Chapter 2 - It's all a Game

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I woke up to small kisses being planted on my jaw and neck. They slowly trailed down to my stomach and my shirt was ripped off. Then the moist, soft lips moved to my most intimate part.

I gasped loudly and pushed this unknown force away, but my efforts were futile as he grabbed my hands and pinned them to my side.

He yanked my shorts off with brute force and began kissing my inner thighs as his hands gently caressed my legs. I groaned and unconsciously leaned into the affection.

I clasped a fistful of his hair and jerked my hips forward as he began feasting.

The movements shaking my body to its core and making me quiver. The head raised up for a second and I saw the blue eyes. My eyes widened as an unwanted moan parted from my lips.

'Wake up!' A rough voice resonated, followed by several deafening bangs on my bedroom door. I instantly jolted out of bed. I looked at the time, it was 10 am, shit I was late.

The bloody alarm didn't go off - 'Well it is broken, you've had that since forever,' the voice in my head sniggered. I rolled my eyes but I knew it was true, I've had this clock for years.

'What the hell, girl? Why aren't you still awake?' I was pulled out of my thoughts as the door slammed open revealing my furious father, meet Jeffrey Asher, the worst father in the history of fathers.

'I'm sorry, the alarm didn't go off,' I stood up and covered myself.

He scoffed, 'Excuses, excuses, stupid bitch.'

I clenched my teeth refraining from retorting back, he would probably beat me up. It was a regular routine, every few days I possessed a new scar on my body.

I heard fingers snapping in front of my face, 'Where the fuck do you keep zoning out to? Are you listening to what I am saying?'

'Yes, I am,' I looked to the floor. Then my face shifted to the side and I felt a harsh sting on my left cheek. I slowly lifted my shivering hand to my sore cheek and finally processed what happened - he slapped me.

I took a deep breath and shove my pained tears back.

'How dare you lie to me?' He menacingly whispered taking steps closer to me.

'What are you talking about?' I mumbled taking steps backward.

'Don't argue or talk back to me. Do I have to fucking remind you who has control or do you need to be punished...again,' he smirked cracking his knuckles.

My head lowered in submission, 'I'm sorry.'

'Good, you're a little bitch Mallory, act like one. Now get ready and make me breakfast,' he ordered and stormed out of the room.

I exhaled loudly as tears rolled down my cheek. I slowly fell and crashed to the ground next to my bed. I silently wept and clutched my bedsheets wishing I wasn't weak. I just never knew why he hated me so much.

After a mini-breakdown, I composed myself and got ready. I entered the kitchen and made breakfast.

'Took you long enough,' he taunted and sat down on the dining table, I quietly placed the plate full of eggs and sausages in front of him.

I went back into my room and got my bag, I wanted to exit this cage as soon as possible. He began stuffing his face with the food I made. I quickly ran out the door not wanting to associate with him.

I walked down the street and made my way to the cafe. I quickly got lost in my thoughts, I reminisced over the dream I had last night - it felt so real. Those eyes were blue then shifted to red. The growl vibrating through me. The hefty, firm hands grabbing my legs. What was it?

I got to the cafe and entered. I made it just in time. I looked around, but no one was there. I yelled for Allison and the other staff but no one replied. I strolled behind the counter and entered the staff room yelling for someone.

I placed my stuff in the room and scanned the area then got startled as the front door rammed. I sprinted outside to inspect but not a soul in sight. 'This isn't funny guys, I am scared,' I hollered in exasperation.

I walked into the bathroom and faced the mirror. I examined myself and applied subtle makeup, I got distracted as I saw one of the cubicle doors move. My body froze in shock as I saw a pair of shoes inside. I began to contemplate if I should run or check?

I slowly and steadily tiptoed towards the cubicle and raised my shivering hands to push the door. I jumped back as I realised nothing was there, the stall was empty. I checked the entire stall and backed away. I turned to face the mirror and my body chilled with dread.

Staring at me were those piercing gorgeous, blue eyes, I closed my eyes and looked away clearly hallucinating. I gathered my thoughts and looked back at the mirror but they weren't there. 

Was I losing my mind?

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