bunch of liars

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one of my fave chapters, i hope you enjoy it:)


you sat down next to harry during slughorns dinner party, already after the main course, eating the tubs of ice cream he put infront of you. you didnt even like ice cream that much, but for the reason, you ate it with a smile, chuckling at every anicdote from slughorn and engaged in sophisticated conversations, trying to suck up to slughorn.

harry was doing the same, and it was quite clear the both of you were kissing the shoes to that man, noone understanding why.

"so tell me cormac, do you see anything from your uncle Tiberious these days?" slughorn asks mclaggen beside him, "yes sir. in fact im meant to go hunting with him and the minister of magic over the holidays" he smiles at him. "oh well, be sure to give them both my best" slughorn smiles.

"what about your uncle belby? those of you who dont know marcus, his uncle invented the wolfsbane potion. is he working on anything new?" the professor asks him with excitment. "dont know" he answers with a mouth full of ice cream, slughorns face scrunches up. "he and me dad dont get along. says the only potion hes keen on it a stiff one at the end of the day"

"what a goddamn pig... you should kick him out"

"what about you miss granger, what do your parents do in the muggle world?" slughorn asks, leaning forward on the table to get a better look at her.

"theyre dentists" she states as everyone stars at her, and you smiled at her, pouring firewhiskey over your ice cream in a desprete attempt to make it edible.

"they attend to peoples teeth" she explains at the silence. "fascinating! and is that considered a dangerous profession?" he asks the flustered girl. "no. although.." she gives a breathy laugh, "one boy did bite my fathers finger once. he needed ten stitches" she laughs, and you join in with a breahy laugh, seeing as noones laughing and hermione is getting embarressed.

the door opened, and in walked ginny with a beautiful sparkly dress, walking over to the round table, "ah! miss weasley! come in come in" slughorn beckons her. "sorry, im not usualy late" she says as she pulls out her chair.

her eyes are red and wet, shes been crying..

sudennly, harry gets up abruptly, you and hermione look up at him, confused. "no matter. just in time for dessert" slughorn smiles, "that is if belbys left you any" he laughs, and immediatly you let out a laugh at his horrible joke, harry sits down again as you shake your head with a smirk.


dinners finished, and everyone left the room beside you and harry, harry looking at the hourglass while you marvled in the shelf full of moving pictures of different quidditch players and students.

"oh, miss black, potter" slughorn gasps, smiling. "sorry, i was just admiring your hourglass..." harry whispers as he looks at it, you spot the further black family on his shelf of pictures.

"some of your classmates... theyre likely to make the shelf" slughorn says as he walks beside you, harry following suit. "anyone who asspiers to be anyone hopes to end up here. but then again, you two already are someones, arent you?" the older man smiles, and you turn around, flashing him a smile.

"did voldemort ever make the shelf sir?" harry asks while you skim across the photoes in hopes of finding something interesting. "you knew him sir, tom riddle? you were his teacher" harry continues, and you see as slughorns face pales and he drops the cup in his hand.

"he had many teachers whilst here at hogwarts" slughorn retorts, voice low. "what was he like?" harry asks, "im sorry sir, forgive me. he killed my parents" harry says, and you turn around to look at harry, walking to stand by his side again.

what is left (fred weasley x reader) book 3Where stories live. Discover now