the notebook

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its the first day of school. first day as six years, first day of learning. the corridors were storming with students, new first years were running around, looking for their classes or someone to help them get there.

you walked with your arm hooked through hermiones after your morning healing session over to advanced potions class, your first class with professor slughorn.

students were staring at you. you were trying your best to ignore, but you couldnt really with the dark wizard in your head encoureging you to avada kedavra everyone who talked about you behind your back, since "youre supperior and they are nothing but your pawns"

you entered the classroom with hermione, sighing at the cool air of the dungens on your skin, and the mixed smells of potions, parchment and dust. truly, you missed it.

"ah, miss black!" you looked to the source of the voice to look up at professor slughorn, an orange hat matching his robes hanging around his body, and a big grin over his face. "professor" you smiled at the older man sweetly.

"its a pleasure to have you in my class! i taught most of your family, you know? not sirius though... this was after my time..." he whispers lowly, avoiding your eyes. "but now youre here" he smiles, looking up at you. "i am here" you giggled.

"come, would you like a chair?" the man asks, and you look around to see that all the students are standing around his desk. your face flushed and you looked to the side, "no, i can stand" you whisper, emberressed. "alright then.." he sighs carefully, awkwardly, "if you want, there" he smiles, pointing to a chair beside his desk.

you nod in appriciation for his consideretion, your heart beating fast against your chest, gellert carefully explaining that he thinks youre too weak to stand, and so he shouldnt have his own legs.

the lesson started, and the professor started explaining about verious potions, when the door opens again, harry and ron coming through the door.

"as i was saying.." slughorn says, turning away from the boys who went for the cupboard and back to you, "ive prepered some concoctions this morning... any ideas what these might-" before he finishes, you raise your hand. "who the hell he thinks he is, doubting you? the best witch of your time! i can think of a million different potions to kill him!"

"oh, miss black" he smiles at you, gesturing his hand to the table, and you step forward to the table, doing your best not to limp on your way there.

"this is veritaserum, its a truth telling serum. 28 days to brew it, use of this potion is strictly controlled by the ministry" you explained, determined to show who you are and how great you are.

"and this one is amortentia-the most powerful love potion in the world. it smells differently for each person, according to what attracts them" you said, and looked over to the professor again who was smiling at you widely.

"for example... i smell... cinemmon and fudge and... pyrotechnics... fireworks" you smiled in delight, the potion telling you that your love for fred is pure and perfect, no matter who else is in your head.

you didnt tell anyone you smelled a bit of lemon drops.

"very good" slughorn smiles as you go back to your place beside hermione, "now, amortentia doesnt create actual love, its impossible. but it does cause a powerful infatuation or... obsession. for that reason, its probably the most dangerous potion in this room" he says dramatically, closing the caulderon with the pink substance.

"sir?" a girl from slytherin asks, "you havent told us whats in that one" she says, and the professor smiles as he bends down to a tiny little viel on his desk, held up by a stand.

"oh yes... what you see before you, ladies and gentelmen, is a curious little potion, known as felix felicious, but it is more commenly refered to as -" "liquid luck" hermione cuts him off, and you smirk.

"yes miss granger" he smiles at her, lifting up the viel, "liquid luck. despretly tricky to make, dissasterous should you get it wrong. one sip, and you will find that all of your endeavors succeed. this is what i offer each of you today! one tiny viel of liquid luck to the student who in the hour that remains manages to brew an acceptable draught of living death" he says, and everyone opens their notebooks and goes off to the table, ready to start.

you sat down, groaning, and took off the red ribbon around your neck, and transformed it back into the notebook state. "havent seen this one in a while" hermione smiles, "ive been reducing my work on it for the while being. hes getting some scary ideas" you laughed, pointing to your temple before you flicked a few pages and started working.

hermione always got confused about why you joke about it. it clearly wasnt easy for you, even pained you, but you joked about the terrorist in your head quite a lot, as if underestimating him. did you?

"finally you opened this one. come on, brew something better, you can" gellert encourages, but you keep on working on the draught of the living death as the professor says, scared something will take over and start brewing one of the more dangeroud potions youve manifested in the notebook.

you started working on it with a gentle smile. potions was lovely, for some reason, when you brewed a potion, you felt like your mind drifted away from the pain of reality, and you could stay in your own happy little potion making world for a while, while working and thinking of ways to improve your work.

you added infusion of wormwood, powdered root of asphedol, stirred twice clockwise, and added sloth brain. next instruction that read in your notebook, 'difindo on sopophorus bean'. you pulled out your wand and cut through the bean with the slick option, pouring the juice of it right into the caulderon with a smile.

"what are you doing?" hermione asks. "im sorry?" you ask, confused. "the instructions specifically say cut it!" she argues, "well, i did" you smirked, looking back to your potion as she struggled with her own, hearing her talking with harry again about the bean.

you stirred the potions 7 precise times anti-clockwise, and one more time the other way before finishing.

"done!" you looked up as harry looked up at you, and you both smirked, finishing at the exact same time.

slughorn walked over and checked both your potions. while you watched him drop the leaf into harrys potion, you started to think.

is it wise if i take it? i cant! what if i accidentaly use it for something bad? "of shut up you, just claim your prise, we could have so much fun with it!" gellert calls, and youre pulled out off your head at the sound of your name calling.

"i was saying that your potion is immaculate miss black! just as potters" slughorn smiles, "now we need to brew another liquid luc-" "no" you cut him off, "its fine sir, give it to harry" you smiled, smirking over to harry, "i dont need luck" you winked, as slughorn handed harry the tiny viel with the golden liquid.


after class, you left the dungen with harry, hermione and ron, joking, hermione still angered about not succeding with her potion.

"black! potter!" you looked over your shoulder at mcgongall, "professor dumbeldore is asking to see you" she says, you and harry exchange a scared short look.

we still havent done any trouble... right?


been a while for the notebook, right?
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yours, the red demon♧

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