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"have you even thought of anything at all you dimwit?" hermione scolded, slapping the paper on your head, you yelped and tried defending yourself with your hands.

"its so easy for them to get to you... youre bloody lucky you werent killed!" hermione calls as you walk down the corridor, kids running around, bumping into each other.

"thats my won-won" you heard lavanders voice, and looked off to the side to see lavander and ron by the window, snogging and being all chessy. "excuse me i have to vomit" hermione says before leaving, you and harry continue your walk over to dumbeldores office.


a dinner party, a long time ago, slughorn sitting at the head of the table, around him a few students, one of them is tom riddle.

"something on your mind, tom?" slughorn asks the neat kid. "yes. see, i couldnt think of anyone else to go to. the other professors... theyre not like you. they might, misunderstand" the boy flatters slughorn, which clearly works as he asks him to go on.

"i was in the library the other night, in the restricted section, and ive read something rather odd about a piece of rare magic. i thought perhaps, you could illuminate me" tom asks the professor.

"its called, as i understand it..-" the voice started to fade away as well as the picture itself, but you heard slughorn yell at the boy, kicking him out of the room, and the memory is done.


you pulled your head out with a gasp. "confused? id be surprised if you werent" dumbelodre says. "i dont understand, what happened?" you ask the bearded man.

"this is perhaps the most importent memory ive collected. it is also a lie" dumbeldore says, and your eyes grow wider. "this memory has been tempered with, by the same person whos memory that is, our old friend, professor slughorn" dumbeldore says.

"why would he temper with his own memory?" you ask, confused. "i suspect hes ashamed to it" dumbeldore answers. "why?" harry asks.

"why indeed... i asked you to get to know professor slughorn and you have done so... i want you to pursuade to guve his true memory. any way you can" dumbeldore asks you, standing up beside the window.

"we dont know him that well sir..." harry sighs, and dumbeldore looks down at the water, scooping it in his hand. "this memory is everything. without it we are blind. without it we leave the fate of our world to chance" the man says as he stares as the water in trance, and then up at you again.

"you have no choice. you mustnt fail" dumbeldore says, and you stare down at the water, thinking, pondering. "i have an idea" harry says, and you pick up your bag to leave.

"wait" dumbeldore says, and you stop in your tracks, looking back at him. "will you stay a minute longer {Y/N}?" dumbeldore asks. by now, you already grew to hating this question, it always ended up not like youd want it.

"of course" you smile, nodding at harry, and he leaves. again, its just you and dumbeldore. you turn around to him again, offering a soft smile.

"i want to show you another memory" he says, and you gulp, "its not related to voldemort this time... its just one thing i think youd want to see" he says.

nodding, you drop your bag and walk back to the metal plate as dumbeldore gets out another memory while you pull your hair behind into a low ponytail, pushing any strands behind your ears, watching as the man poured the clear liquid into the water. sighing, you drop your face into the water.


your orphanage bedroom. you sleeping on the bed, inside your bedroom standing gellert, infront of him a figure.

what is left (fred weasley x reader) book 3Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora