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you, ron, harry and hermione made your way down the snowy road to hogsmeade, hermione keeps asking about harrys potion book, and you were so tired of hearing it, you retorted to a conversation with gellert.

"do you know who the half blood prince is?" you ask the man, "im not quite sure, i think hes some wannabe me from the UK while ive visited britain only a hand full of times. he doesnt sound importent enough" he answers. "think im better then him?" "i know you are... so a little cutting spell? yeah, you did much better" gellert praises, and you smile, entering hogsmeade.

you walked down the road over to the three broomsticks, kicking the snow as harry and ron argued about a chess move, you and hermione walking with your arms hooked together.

"i like the snow" hermione smiles, looking around, "in drumstrang, well, lt was freezing and it snowed a lot, so you can only imagine the snow ball battles we had. closer to wars" you laughed, hermione joining in, shaking her head. "i can never understand how competitive you are" she laughs.

you entered the hustling and cozy three broomsticks, sitting down beside hermione across from ron and harry, hermione ordering 4 butterbeers, and you smile, ordering for yourself a firewhiskey.

"i didnt know you still did that..." hermione whispers, looking down at the table, "one wont hurt" you smiled, taking off your coat and putting it on the chair.

"oh, bloody hell" ron sighs, looking to the side. you and hermione gave a quick look to the side, seeing ginny and dean sitting in a corner booth, whispering and giggling. "theyre just holding hands..." hermione rolls her eyes, trying to calm ron down, but he keeps staring, "and... snogging" you smirked, and stopped yourself from laughing as a waiter braught you your orders.

"id like to leave" ron says, looking between us with wide and uncomfortable eyes, "what? you cant be serious" hermione scoffs, laughing. "this happened to be my sister!" ron exclaims, "so? what if she looked at you snogging me, would you expect her to get up and leave?" she asks, and your mouth opens into a grin.

you look over to harry, but he raises his arm and from behind you comes the so familiar voice of slughorn. "oh, my boy!" he smiles, coming to stand beside the table, shaking harrys hand.

"professor slughorn" you smiled, quickly standing up and offering your hand as well, and he shakes it with a smile, "what brings you here?" "oh... the three broomsticks and i go way back, further then i care to admit" he laughs, you and harry chuckling. "i can remember when it was the one broomstick" he laughs, you and harry laughing at his horrible joke as he spils a bit of his drink down.

"listen, in the old days, i used to throw together the ocassional dinner party, and select a student or two. would you be game you two? my star students?" he smiles, looking between you and harry, you could practically feel hermiones insides tremble as he calls harry a star student.

"definatly! id consider it an honor sir" you answer for the both of you, smiling widely. he smiles back, and looks over to the table, "youd be welcomed too granger" he smiles at her, and she thanks him, smiling.

he leaves, and you and harry sit back down, staring at each other with bug grins, squinting your eyes. "is this an ass kissing contest?" you asked slowly, leaning forward on your elbows, "guess... it... is..." he says slowly, leaning forward until his forehead is pressed to yours. laughing, you pull back and drink.

"what was that all about?" ron asks, "dumbeldore asked us to get to know him" harry answers his best friend. "get to know him?" ron asks, confused, but you just shrug. "not sure, but it must be importent. if it wasnt, dumbeldore wouldnt ask" he says as he pick up his butterbeer to his lips.

what is left (fred weasley x reader) book 3Where stories live. Discover now