the beggining of voldemort

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you hooked your arm in harrys, and made your way up to dumbeldores office, wondering whats it about. well, you had an idea, you did run out of the hospital, but what does harry has to do with that?

harry knocked on the door firmly, and opened it, and you walked in hesitentaly to find dumbeldore at his desk. "oh, you got my messege. come in" he greets, and you walk deeper into the room, looking around.

"how are you?" he asks, "im fine sir" harry smiles gently. "and you?" he asks, and you blush, looking down, "best as i can be..." you whisper with a gentle smile, "did you speak with madam rosemary?" he asks, harry watchs you, waiting for you to explain who that is. "couldnt. but i left her a note..." you smiled gently, and dumbeldore nodded.

"enjoying your classes?" dumbeldore asks, you and harry exchange a quick look. "i think he over estimates my abilities sir" harry answer with a laugh. "he certanly under estimamtes yours! that washed up old hag..." gellert says, and you shake your head quickly, a shiver spreading from your wound out to the rest of your body.

"what about your activities from outside the classroom?" dumbeldore asks, and a slow smirk streches as you look from the old man over to harry beside you whos confused, "sir?" he asks, "well ive noticed you spend a great deal of time with miss granger... i cant help wodnering-" you immediatly cackle loudly, slapping your hand over your mouth to silence yourself as you wave your hand infront of you, apologizing.

"no... no! i mean, shes brilliant... and we're friends... but no" harry laughs nerveously at the end, "forgive me, i was only being curious..." dumbeldore explains, and looks over to you whos just calming down from your giggles.

"ive seen you and... mr weasley, fred weasley are something... am i right?" dumbeldore asks as your face heats up, and you nod carefully. he smiles and chuckles lowly, shaking his head, "although, i have to admit young black, i thought you and miss granger were-" now harry cackles, and you look up at him with raised eyebrows and a red face, watching as he slowly smirks and shakes his head. "im sorry... im mearly teasing you" he smiles, and you nod, looking away.

"i actually do think that fred weasley is a great match for you..." he smiles, and you smile too.

"well, you must be wondering why i summened you here tonight..." dumbeldore says as he gets up and walks past us down the stairs, "the answer lies here. what you are looking at are memories. in this case, the one individual, voldemort, or as he was known then, tom riddle" he says and turns the cphier, to pull out a small glass viel with a title on it.

"this viel contains the most particular memory, of the day i first met him" he shows us the viel, and looks up at us. "id like you to see it, if you would" he says, and harry reaches forward to take the viel.

the both of you walk to a large silver plate full of water thats levitating above a desk, and harey pours the containments of the viel in, and you put your face in.


dumbeldore with an umbrella walking down street, and enters an orphanage.

"im still confused from recieving your letter, mr dumbeldore. in all the years toms been here, he never once had a family visitor" a woman says as they walk up stairs in the orphanage.

"there had been incidents with the other children... nasty things..." she explains to the much shorter haired dumbeldore, back in time.

you watched carefully the conversation between the younger dumbeldore and the young boy, that much reminded you of your own with gellert.

you watched as with his mind, dumbeldore caught toms wardrobe on fire, igniting you to ask him about it. could he make fires just like that? like you could? could he also control elements?


you exited the water when the memory ended, and brushed your wet face with your hands. "did you know sir? back then?" harry asks, panting. "that right now i had just met one of the most dangerous dark wizards of all time? no. if i had, ive..." he sighs, shaking his head.

"over time while here at hogwarts, tom riddle grew close to one particular teacher... can you guess who that teacher might be?" dumbeldore asks, and you sigh, shaking your head,

"professor slughorn..." you and harry say at the same time. "i didnt bring him back to teach potions... you see... professor slughorn posseses something i desire very dearly. he will not give it up easily" dumbeldore explains, and you look up at him, confused.

"you said professor slughorn would try to collect me" harry says, and dumbeldore confirms, "do you want me to let him?" harry asks. "yes..." dumbeldore whispers, "i want you to get close to him... hes fascinated with the both of you... greatly..." he explains, and you and harry exchange a look, agreeing with a firm nod.

"you may leave... thank you" dumbeldore smiles, and harry nods and says his goodbye, leaving you and dumbeldore in the room, "professor... could i ask you something?" you ask, looking up at him, "i would love to speak with you as well miss black" he smiles, moving back to sit in his desk.

"in the memory... the wardrobe caught on fire... can you...?" you decide not to finish the question, but wait for his answer. "control them? like you?" he asks, and you nod. "no. i cant. it was a simple spell" he says, and you sigh. "but... you know... {Y/N}" he leans forward, putting his hands on the table, and one of his hands played with one of the rings on his other hand, the one that seemed like a thick silver cross. four directions for the four elements. "im sure you can find a way to get them to work..." he says, and you nod, not agreeing.

thanking him, you turn around to leave, leaning on the wall, "{Y/N}?" he asks, and you stop, turning around to him again. he walks down the stairs and stands infront of you, looking at you with kind eyes. "yes professor?" you ask, looking up at hik with tired eyes.

"i just wish to say a word... a quick word... to my friend..." he says, and you gulp, heartbeat picking up. "theres one thing i need to say..." he says, and you look up at him, panting a little, begging him not to speak to him. "you know... we were closer then brothers.." he says, and you shake your head a little, he puts his hand on your shoulder, it sends painful shivers throughout your body.

"i do not condone your stay here... gellert" he says, looking down into your {E/C} and white eyes. "i can only hope you wont make a lot of truble for the girl..." dumbeldore says as a single tear leaves your eye, and you pant, chest rising and falling rapidely.

"have a good night {Y/N}..." dumbeldore says, and nodding hestily, you turn around and leave his office down to the corridors, leaning on the wall as you make your slow way back to your dorm.

on the stairs, you waited for the stairs to stop their movement when infront of you apparates a black figure, professor snape. "miss black..." he whispers, looking down at you and your teary eyes. "professor snape..." you sigh out, releaved to see the man, "what are you doing here?" "i just spoke with dumbeldore... and you?" you ask, looking up at him, "at a meeting..." he says lowly, and you gasp and nod, not wanting to probe any further in the open place.

"are you alright, miss black?" he asks lowly, and you nod, rubbing on your eyes. "im fine" you sigh out. sighing, he pats your shoulder, and offers you his hand, a viel in it.

you raise your hand and take the viel from his hand, inspecting it. "its the potion we made together... in your first year here... i improved it, and it should... work for you" he says, and you look up at him with big eyes. "thank you..." you whimper, nodding as you close your eyes.

nodding, he pats on your head twice, and leaves you there to go back to your dorm.

as you enter the common room, harry is waiting for you. "you alright there {Y/N}?" he asks, forrowing your brows. you nod in respond, smiling weakly.

"you remember that tomorrow there are try outs, right?" he asks and you nod, "and you remember that you promised youll co-captain with me, right?" he asks, and you smile.

"im excited" you smiled.


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yours, the red demon♧

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