Chapter 3: Bettors in the Making

Start from the beginning

"The same thing. But instead of one, you get two free meals out of us." Reiner patted Eren's back, the two of them giving Jean persuasive smiles.

Jean pondered it over with a pensive expression, cupping his chin in thought. Maybe this arrangement would be beneficial. He could help you confess to your crush. You'd get your guy and he'd get to rub it in Eren's face while the hot head was paying for his food. It would be a win-win. So why shouldn't he go for it?



At around 12PM, the gaming stopped. Bertholdt and Marco had both left the couch because for some reason, Eren and Reiner had very eagerly called them over, much to Jean's annoyance.


Annie had left the party, saying that she wasn't down for sleeping over (which slightly offended Eren). She said that there was only so much hat-assery that she could take within a day, so she wouldn't be able to stomach a sleepover.

Mikasa and Jean had left the couch area and made their way towards the kitchen, where Eren, Reiner, Bertholdt and Marco were at, talking overzealously about something. You had noticed the clumped up group and wondered what they were all so giggly about. What you hadn't noticed was that later on, Ymir, Historia, Sasha and Connie would migrate to the kitchen as well.

But right now, you couldn't care less about what was happening on the other side of the room. You were happy that you had bested Armin multiple times during the game and you wouldn't let him live it down. The two of you were lounging on the couch, scrolling through your phones and showing each other funny videos.

Armin had his right arm lying across his belly, the other arm holding up his phone screen to his face. He happened to glance up and it finally donned on him that it was just the two of you on the couch. "Hey, where did everyone go?" He asked as curious blue eyes made their way across the room. They eventually landed on the cluster of teens in the kitchen. "Why are they all in there?"

You looked up to follow his gaze and did find it odd that they were still in the kitchen. "Maybe they're planning you a surprise party." You said uninterestedly, not really in the mood to deal with the usual shenanigans of your friends.

"Maybe they're throwing me a celebratory party to commemorate my many, many wins against you."

Now that definitely got your attention.

Armin waggled his eyebrows at you, giving you a cheeky grin that you wanted nothing more than to wipe off his face.

You put your phone down on your lap and looked at him with an amused smile, rolling your eyes at him. "Armin, put those eyebrows away. Clearly, someone's remembering things wrong. I definitely won more games than you did."

"Yeah, sure. Keep believing that." Blue, mirth-filled eyes were locked onto yours. The blonde had shifted his position on the couch and he was now sitting sideways, his arm rested on the back cushion of the couch and supporting his head up, knuckle pressed against his cheek. His hair was splayed against his face in the most delightful way, some strands coming out as waves as they settled against his fair skin. You couldn't help but notice this rare side of Armin. He was usually so stiff and proper, a possible biproduct from how hard he focused on his academics. But here he was. Showing you, his best friend, this more lax and vulnerable layer of himself. He looked so comfy yet so angelic. So adorable.

Gosh, was he a cute one.

You continued to take in his appearance and briefly wondered what it would feel like to card your fingers through his hair. You wanted nothing more than to play with the golden locks of what appeared to be silk. Friendship be damned, you would find a way to make it happen. But you were probably getting ahead of yourself.

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