Ch 12. The Trial Of The Principality Aziraphale

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After we had gotten to my apartment I told an exhausted Aziraphale to go to sleep for a bit. Aziraphale was reluctant until I told him that I was just heading out to do some errands. Which was true to an extent, but it was not the only thing I was doing. I wanted to check Aziraphale's bookshop location to see if anything was savable.

When I turned the corner I blinked in shock at the bookshop that stood tall and healthy. I let out a laugh of happiness as I pictured the look on my Angels face when he finds out his bookshop is back. I gave the bookshop one last grin before turning around a heading to a store something before going back to my apartment.


The next day I swapped bodies with Aziraphale. While I didn't need to fear anything from Hell, Aziraphale did. I shifted slightly in discomfort at the unfamiliar corporation. Aziraphale who was standing beside me as we prepared to go up to heaven gave me an amused glance. Since I was now known to be Lucifer I was allowed to trials when they involved Hell which was why Aziraphale was able to come with me.

Aziraphale and I began the journey up the escalators toward heaven. I winced slightly as the very air around me turned Holy. I was still unsure of what was happening to me as I had also been able to touch Holy Water without any ill effects. Was it because I spent so much time with Aziraphale or was it something else.

Aziraphale and I were lead to a wide pure white room with windows. I tried not to flinch as a random Angel walked up and tied my wrists in Holy rope. I looked over at Aziraphale who was in my body, he was giving me a slightly concerned look as if he expected me to be in pain which I probably was.

"Ah. Aziraphale. So glad you and Lucifer could join us." Gabriel said as he walked up to us. I glared at the other Archangel in annoyance knowing he was all too happy to kill Aziraphale.

"You could have just left me and Lucifer alone, there was no need to get violent," I said in what I hoped was a good Aziraphale voice. A quick glance at Aziraphale had me satisfied with performance when the Angel gave me a small smile.

"Call it what it was: an extraordinary rendition." Gabriel said with a chuckle before turning to Uriel." Now, have we heard from our new associate?"

"He's on his way," Uriel said emotionlessly. Gabriel gained a wide grin at that information, making me want to strangle the Archangel so he couldn't hurt Aziraphale again.

"He's on his way. I think you're going to like this. I really do. And I bet you didn't see this one coming." Gabriel said with a predatory glint in his eyes.


After a few minutes of tense silence, a Demon walked into the room and up to the rocky set up in the middle of the room where I assumed the fire would be put. I was correct as the Demon made a comment before leaning forward and activating Hell Fire which rose into an infernal tornado kept at bay by the power of the Demon. Uriel untied me and allowed me to stand up while I face Gabriel, my younger brother.

"So, with one act of treason, you averted the war." Gabriel began before I interrupted carefully making sure to keep Aziraphale's nervous energy obvious.

"Well, I think the greater good-" I tried to argue. Gabriel glared at me stepping up threateningly before speaking to me through gritted teeth and a fake smile.

"Don't talk to me about the greater good, sunshine. I'm the Archangel fucking Gabriel. The greater good was we were finally going to settle things with the opposition once and for all." Gabriel snapped at me. I was internally raging.' How dare my good for nothing brother say these things to my Angel!' I thought.

"I don't suppose I can persuade you to reconsider? We're meant to be the good guys, for Heaven's sake." I said in an attempt to change Gabriel's mind even though I knew it was futile.

"Well, for Heaven's sake, we are meant to make examples out of traitors. So into the flame." Gabriel growled. I got up and moved to stand directly in front of the fire.

"Right. Well, lovely knowing you all. May we meet on a better occasion." I said in an attempt to lighten the mood in the cold white room. Nobody cared though and I shuffled awkwardly.

"Shut your stupid mouth and die already." Gabriel snapped. I tried to contain my anger as I stepped into the fire. I watched as the satisfied looks on the Archangel's face turned into fear when they saw I was not dying. I let a smirk fall into place on my face before I breathed fire at Gabriel making him leap back eyes wide.


"Do you think Heaven will leave us alone now?" Aziraphale asked still in my body as we sat on a park bench. I sighed and looked around trying to come up with an answer.

"At a guess, they'll pretend it never happened?" I murmured finally answering. Aziraphale nodded and we sat in silence for a few more moments before Aziraphale turned to me.

"Hmm. Right. Anyone looking" Aziraphale asked quietly. I put my fingers to my temples and searched the area mentally for any sign of Divine or Demonic intervention but found nothing.

"Nobody. Right. Swap back, then." I said holding my hand out toward Aziraphale. Aziraphale grabbed it and we swapped back into our own bodies again.

"Ah." I sighed happily." A tartan collar. Really?"

"Tartan is stylish. So, Agnes Nutter's last prophecy was on the money." Aziraphale mumbled sadly as he looked around the park watching people walk around.

"Heaven will leave us alone for a bit. If you ask me, Heaven is going to use this as a breathing space before the big one." I revealed knowing that it was not the last time we heard from Heaven. While I could easily keep Hell under control I was worried Heaven wouldn't be able to resist a second attempt.

"I thought that was the big one," Aziraphale said looking slightly alarmed. I gave the Angel an apologetic look as I shook my head.

"No. For my money, the really big one is all of us against all of Heaven." I said with a weary sigh. Aziraphale gave me a look of concern noticing how exhausted I was from everything that had been happening.

"What? Heaven against humanity?" Aziraphale whispered softly. I just nodded at the Angel sadly knowing that a bigger storm was approaching in the next few decades.

"Right. Time to leave the garden. Let me tempt you to a spot of lunch?" I offered with a small smile. Aziraphale chuckled shaking his head in amusement.

"Temptation accomplished." Aziraphale responded as we got up and began walking out of the park." Hmm, What about the Ritz? I believe a table for two has just miraculously come free."

"Ahh," I said with a grin of mischief.


"I like to think none of this would have worked out if you weren't, at heart, just a little bit a good person," Aziraphale said looking at me with a soft smile as we sat in the Ritz. I gave the Angel a warm grin back at the comment.

"And if you weren't, deep down, just enough of a bastard to be worth knowing. Cheers. To the world." I responded with a wink. Aziraphale blushed slightly at the wording.

"To the world." Aziraphale murmured as he repeated what I said.

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