Ch 4. So The End Of The World Begins

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I was in my Crowley persona driving the Bently down an old dirt road, I was making my way over to a meeting with the Demons Ligur and Haster. I was honestly panicking as only a week ago I had received info that they had created the Antichrist. He wasn't created normally like humans were as they basically used some of my blood and a random humans blood and created the child's body.

I skidded to a stop in the graveyard just in front of Haster and Ligur. Getting out of the care I sauntered over to the pair of Demons. I was kinda displeased they had interrupted evil deed I was finishing. It still got done but I had been hoping for a chance to hang-out with Aziraphale. I stopped just in front of my Demons.

"All hail Satan." Hastur and Ligur intoned. I rolled my yellow eyes behind my sunglasses.' Yes. All hail me. I'm lucky I didn't grow an ego the size of London' I thought in exasperation.

"All hail Satan. Uh, hi, guys. Sorry, I'm late, but you know how it is on the A40 at Denham. I tried to cut up towards Chorleywood-" I began rambling. Unfortunately, rambling was one trait I had in both personas.

"Now that we art all here, let us recount the deeds of the day." Ligur said a predatory glin in his eyes. I made myself look uncomfortable being around the Demon as I nodded.

"Of course. Deeds, yeah." I muttered as I glanced around.

"I have tempted a priest. As he walked down the street, he saw all the pretty girls in the sun. I put doubt into his mind. He would have been a saint. Now, within a decade, we shall have him." Hastur said smirking proudly.

"Yeah, nice one." I said before nodding toward Ligur.

"I have corrupted a politician. Let him think that a tiny bribe wouldn't hurt. Within a year, we shall have him." Ligur declared confidently. I grinned as I thought about what I had just done.

"Right, you'll like this. I brought down every London area mobile phone network tonight." I said with a small chuckle. The two Demons looked less than impressed by my theatrics.

"Yeah?" Haster growled in disbelief. Ligur just shook his head in annoyance.

"Yeah. It wasn't easy-" I started to explain before getting interrupted.

"And what exactly has that done to secure souls for our master?" Ligur asks glaring at me.' Do I look like I need any damn souls? I already have several billion.' I sassed in my mind.

"Oh, come on, think about it. Fifteen million pissed-off people who take it out on each other." I said imagination running wild.

"It's not exactly craftsmanship." Ligur sneered. I shot a brief glare at the Demon.

"Well, the head office doesn't seem to mind. They love me down there, guys. Times are changing. So what's up?" I retorted annoyed at the two know-it-all Demons.

"This is." Hastur said revealing a large picnic basket that started moving. My eyes widened and I paled.' Fuck. How had I ended not only creating bu being tasked with delivering the damn Antichrist.' I thought in despair.

"No." I whispered in denial. I shook my head as if it would make the basket disappear.

"Yes." Hastur says smirking. I shuffle on the spot as I thought about all the ways I could escape the situation, but none would allow me to keep my secret.

"Already?" I choked out a look of false disbelief flashing over my face.

"Yes." Ligur growled lowly. I nodded and looked at the basket. I was trying so hard to keep the panic out of my voice as I thought pf all the things I was hoping to due with Aziraphale.

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