Ch 1. The Ark, The Cross, And Rome

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In the depths of Hell, I sat on the throne. I was bored out of my mind as currently there was nothing happening. I let my mind wander to the Angel I had met on the Eastern wall of Eden. He intrigued me so much, an Angel who would give away is Heavenly weapon to two humans. I felt oddly guilty for giving the Angel a false name. Hell didn't know me and Crawly were the same Demon. I wanted Crawly to be my get away, the Demon I became when I was remembering the Fall.

"Hmm.....perhaps I should visit the dear Angel. I did say I was meant to be thwarting him. He wouldn't see anything odd about me checking in. Perhaps I could even stay up there for a century or two." I mused out loud before deciding to go up to earth. My appearance was the same in both my identities, but I had miracled myself so no one recognized me in my Crawly persona. It wasn't hard, but locking my powers as well did drain me a little.

"Beelzebub!" I called agressively. My right hand Demon scuttled into the room with a distinctly fearful face. The Demon walked up and bowed until I waved at her.

"Yes my, Lord." Beelzebub asked with a trembling voice. I contemplated what to say before deciding to be as blunt as possible.

"Now that the Fallen have adjusted to Hell, I have decided to go for a brief two-hundred year vacation to the stars. I would like you to watch over the throne while I'm gone." I ordered in my most uninterested voice. Beelzebub nodded before going to her office after I waved her away.


Once I left Hell I used my power to reach out over the Earth in search of Aziraphale. After a few minutes I found the Angel by a large Ark.' I wonder what he is doing there of all places.' I thought confused. Letting two of my sic wings out I gave a mighty flap. I crossed the distance almost instantly before landing just out of sight from the humans who seemed to swarm the area around the Ark.

it wasn't hard to spot Aziraphale in the crowd considering he was the only one wearing a shocking amount of white. I paused through the crowd as I made my way over to the Angel. I smiled slightly at the sight of the children playing and running around. I had always loved the fledglings up in heaven. I would admittedly be seen with them when I should have been making stars, constellations, and nebulas.

"Hello, Aziraphale." I said as I finally stood beside the Angel. Aziraphale barely flinched as he kept a eye on the Ark.

"Crawley." Aziraphale responded in a careful tone. I raised an eyebrow at the Angel. Last time we met he seemed much more friendly. Seems he isn't any better than the other Angels after all.

"So, giving the mortals a flaming sword. How did that work out for you?" I sneered. Aziraphale suddenly shifted uncomfortably as he looked around sheepishly.

"The Almighty has never actually mentioned it again." Aziraphale said softly. I nodded and looked around again. I felt oddly relieved that the Angel didn't fall.

"Probably a good thing. What's all this about? Build a big boat and fill it with a travelling zoo?" I asked confused as they loaded animals onto the Ark. It was shocking how large the Ark was.

"From what I hear, God's a bit tetchy. Wiping out the human race. Big storm." Aziraphale said with a frown.' Ah, that's why he is uptight this time. He is trying to distance himself from the emotional factor.'

"All of them?" I asked with a false shocked face and tone. Aziraphale nodded before he corrected himself.

"Just the locals. I don't believe the Almighty's upset with the Chinese. Or the Native Americans. Or the Australians." Aziraphale said as if it was supposed to reassure himself more than me.

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