Ch 6. Paintball Guns And Accidents

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I walked through my apartment as I sighed in frustration. I had just come back from a meeting with Beelzebub in Hell. I was definitely hoping to be able to relax for a couple of hours. I walked up to a gold and red throne that was in front of my desk and sat down with a sigh. I let my thoughts wander to Aziraphale as I thought about how to tell the Angel who I was. I wanted to be truthful and stop hiding secrets from him and telling him I was Lucifer was the best place to start.

Flicking my hands I turned on the T.V.' How will I deal with Aziraphale leaving me....after all, thats what he would do. right? As soon as he knows I'm the Devil he will run away or at best refuse to talk to me like a friend anymore.' I thought bitterly as I glared at the desk in front of me as if it had insulted me.

"Welcome back. Now, the government's foreign affairs spokesman will be here to comment on the recent increase in international tensions. But first, do you know what's in your fridge?" The T.V. spoke before a brief flash of static overcame the sound, causing me to turn to the T.V. in curiosity.

"Morning, Crowley. Just checking in. Nice chair." Ligur said sneering. I closed my eyes and took a calming breath.

"Hey, guys." I responded nonchalantly as I lolled my head sideways to see them better.

"It's about the Antichrist." Hastur said in an emotionless tone.

"Yeah. Great kid. Takes after dad." I said cringing as I almost slip up. Hastur narrows his eyes at me in suspicion.

"Our operatives in the State Department have arranged for the child's family to be flown to the Middle East." Hastur informed after deciding nothing was wrong.

"There, he and the Hell Hound will be taken to the Valley of Megiddo." Ligur continues with a bored tone.

"The Four Horsemen will begin their final ride." Hastur finished" Armageddon will begin. The final combat. It's what we've been working towards since we rebelled. We are the Fallen. Never forget that."

"Well, it's not the sort of thing you forget." I snapped back in annoyance.

"I don't trust you, Crowley." Hastur warned through gritted teeth.

"Everything's going just fine." I said before turning the T.V. off." I didn't want to Fall. I just wanted free will."

I got up and walked over to the glass wall overlooking the streets down below. I pressed the message button on the telephone as I walked by.

"No leads yet my end. Anything at your end? Listen, I have sort of an idea." Aziraphale's voice spoke from the machine. I quickly turned around and grabbed the phone.

"What?" I demanded in concern.

"Ah, hello. When you did the baby swap 11 years ago, could something have gone wrong?" Aziraphale asked after getting over the shock of me answering so fast.

"What?" I barely whispered in dawning horror.


I sped down the street weaving in between the other vehicles as I tried not to smirk at the look on Aziraphale's face. The poor Angel looked terrified of the Bentley. I thought of all the things I could do with that fear.' No. I can't think like that about Aziraphale.' I thought reprimanding myself for the dark thought.

"You've lost the boy." Aziraphale began. I rolled my eyes and interrupted.

"We've" lost him." I corrected as I glanced at the Angel.

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