Ch 8. Confusion And Killing Demons

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After the argument with Aziraphale, I decided that I needed to cool off. I walked through my cold, dark, and grey apartment. I was feeling tired and was very tempted to take a nap, but I knew that I couldn't until I was positive that Aziraphale was safe despite his clear rejection of friendship.

I walked into my private theater I had set up. Truth be told it was much bigger than necessary, but I did have a flair for dramatics in both of my lives. I sat down and miracled a small basket of popcorn. As I was flipping through the many movies I could watch I landed on a little kids show with creepy bunnies.' I wonder if shows like this were the reason for all the weird stuff in humanity.' I thought curiously. I was soon interrupted by a Hell broadcast.

"Crowley!" Hastur snarled from the T.V. I blinked at the Duke of Hell casually as I waited for the angry Demon to continue his rant.

"What the heavens is going on, Crowley? What have you done?" Hastur demanded. I narrowed my eyes at my useless subject. I would take care of that Demon after the Apocalypse. I wasn't happy at all with the amount of disrespect of those under me who were giving to each other.

"Hastur. Hey. Not following you. How do you mean?" I rambled nonchalantly. The bunny avatar of Hastur on the screen growled in anger and annoyance.

"The boy called Warlock. We took him to the fields of Megiddo. The dog is not with him. The child knows nothing of the Great War. He is not our master's son. He said that I.....that I smelled of poo." Hastur explained with a touch of offense at the end. I held in my laughter at the fact that Warlock had insulted Hastur and got away with it.

"Well, you can see his point." I reasoned with a grin. Hastur groaned and killed the bunnies beside him out of anger. I winced at the sight of blood gushing from the cartoon animals.

"You're dead meat, Crowley. You're bloody history. You stay where you are. We're coming to collect you." Hastur said with a dangerous grin. I rolled my eyes and turned the T.V. off as it was clear I had to prepare for a Demon visit, but I had to warn Aziraphale first so at least he would know why I was gone.


As my Bentley skidded to a stop just behind Aziraphale I got out of the car. The Angel turned at looked at me with an unreadable expression on his face. I felt guilty as I looked at Aziraphale before squashing the feeling down by reminding myself of what he had said at the bandstand. Running over I threw caution to the wind in an attempt to convince Aziraphale one more time.

"Whatever I said, I didn't mean it. Work with me, I'm apologizing here." I rambled. Aziraphale looked at me in mix of confusion and annoyance. I looked at the Angel letting my mask slip and showing how truly desperate I was.

"Yes?" Aziraphale asked as if unsure. I ignored the uncertainty and waved my hand to the Bentley.

"Good. Get in the car." I said. Aziraphale took a step back as he realized what I was trying to do. I walked a few steps toward the Bentley before stopping when Aziraphale spoke.

"What? No." Aziraphale said making me turn again. I was desperate to get the Angel to safety but I couldn't if he wasn't willing.

"The forces of Hell have figured out it was my fault. But we can run away together. Alpha Centauri. Lots of spare planets up there. Nobody would even notice us." I begged my voice cracking. Aziraphale looked worried when I said Hell but then his face schooled into a determined expression.

"Crowley, you're being ridiculous. Look, I......I.....I'm quite sure if I can just.......just reach the right people, then.......then I can get all this sorted out." Aziraphale said adamantly. I stared at the Angel before shaking my head.

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