Ch 9. And So The Secret Was Revealed.....By Accident

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I got into my Bentley and drove as fast as I could to the bookshop hoping to be able to convince Aziraphale to leave one more time.' I'm not giving up on that darn Angel, not yet.' I thought in determination as I swerved around a corner. I was going much faster than I usually went. I hoped that I could get to Aziraphale before Heaven sends someone for him as well. I couldn't imagine what they would do to my Angel who no longer had his sword to defend him.

As I drove closer I noticed smoke rising from above the buildings. I squinted against the sun as I look at the direction the smoke was coming from and felt my blood run cold. The smoke was only a few blocks away at most and was coming from the same area as Aziraphale's bookshop. I added a miracle to the Bentley to make it go faster and practically flew around the corners till I came to a sudden stop across the street.

"A-are you the owner o-of this establishment?" A Fireman asked with a nervous stutter as I leaped out of the Bentley and marched toward the doors of the building. I turned slightly to glare at the human.

"Do I look like I run a bookshop?" I snapped before snapping my fingers to opening the door. When I got in I realized the fire wasn't Hell-Fire but it was Divine-Fire which was just as dangerous even if for slightly different reasons. Divine-Fire was specifically used to summon things or activate rituals. I hope Aziraphale didn't summon the same Angels that would have him killed.

"Aziraphale! Aziraphale, where the Heaven are you, you idiot? I can't find you! Aziraphale, for God's......For my.......Ah! For somebody's sake, where are you?!" I screamed as I whipped around trying to spot the Angel. Suddenly a jet of water from a Fireman's hose hit me in the chest and slammed into a wall. I slide down and grabbed a random book that was in front of me.

"You've gone. Somebody killed my best friend! Bastards! All of you!" I shouted sobbing and clutching the book like a lifeline.


I sat in a small bar staring blankly at the cars driving by. I couldn't believe that I lost Aziraphale before I could tell him the truth. I would never see that bright smile, gorgeous blue eyes, and silly tartan bowtie again. There would be no more dinners at the Ritz, walks in St. James Park, or getting drunk in the bookshop.

"Same again," I said waving at the barman who walked over with another bottle of wine while looking at me fearfully.

"I never asked to be The Devil. I simply wanted free-will and to make my own choices. I was tired of being ordered around day-in and Day-out. Next thing I know, I'm doing a million-light-year freestyle dive into a pool of boiling sulfur." I slurred loudly not realizing that someone had heard the whole thing until a gasp broke me out of my ramblings. I looked up to see a ghost-like Aziraphale staring at me in shock, fear, and anger.

"Aziraphale?" I asked the color in my face draining out. The Angel looked ready to bolt at any second and closed my eyes realizing I had not only indirectly told Aziraphale I was The Devil, but I also forgot to hide my Aura.

"Your Lord Satan?! This whole time!" Aziraphale asked his voice rising as hysteria kicked in.

"Listen, Angel! For once in the 6,000 years, we have known each other I have never done anything that would harm you. I have saved you, I haven't lied to you other than my identity, and I have comforted you when you broke-down. I am still the Demon you know, and I'll always be there for you." I rambled trying to get as many words in before Aziraphale tried to flee. There was a silence that seemed to go one forever as I waited for the Angel to respond or leave.

"Oh, I'm not ready to believe you yet, but we can deal with this after we save the world." Aziraphale said his tone revealing he was guarded. I looked up and saw the usually kind face of the Angel was hard and emotionless.

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