Ch 7. Fighting With Aziraphale

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"Sergeant Shadwell." I greeted as the man in question walked into the diner I was seated at. I knew the man wasn't much of an actual witch-finder but at the moment he was my best hope in finding my son. I felt a pang of guilt shoot through me at the fact that I was the reason my son was misplaced.

"Mr Crowley. You're looking well and your father, how is he? You resemble him very much, you know." Shadwell said as he sat across from me. I looked through the papers in my hands pretending to not be interested.

"So they tell me. Yeah, he's well." I muttered and flipped the page of the paper. Shadwell pulled out a stack of papers and slid them across the table. I closed the paper and looked at what Shadwell handed over.

"I've prepared the ledger. The men need paying, Your Honor. It's hard times for Witch-finders in today's degenerate age." Shadwell said with a chuckle.

"That won't be necessary. Two hundred and fifty pounds. I'll drop the money off for you on Saturday." I said. I knew that the money would go to the man and not the business. I didn't care that much since I wasn't exactly low on money due to me being the king of Hell.

"Only in cash, in an envelope. Don't take plastic." Shadwell requested. I gave the older man a look knowing that he was more than greedy if not just paranoid.

"You astonish me." I muttered rolling my eyes behind my sunglasses." So There's a village called Tadfield, in Oxford-shire. Send your best people down there. I'm looking for a boy. He's about 11. I don't have anything more than that. But look for anything strange."

"This, uh, boy he's a witch?" Shadwell asked looking slightly uncomfortable. I felt anger rise in me as the man called my son a witch. Taking a few breaths I managed to push that aside for the time being.

"Possibly. We'll have to find him first, won't we?" I sneered. Shadwell nodded and I stood up and preparing to leave the diner.

"Aye. Well, my best operative, that would be Witch-finder Lieutenant Table." Shadwell muttered bitterly. I sighed and turned slightly to address the man.

"Call me if you find anything," I said before I left to meet Aziraphale. I walked out and down the street to the Bentley thinking about what the child was like.' Did he take after me? Oh, someone, I hope not. I don't want him to make the same mistakes as me. It's bad enough I fell from heavens graces. I don't want my son making the same mistakes.' I thought bitterly.

I opened the driver's seat to the Bentley and got in. I slammed my foot on the gas and the Bentley swerved into the street in a cloud of dust and car emissions.


I walked up to the bandstand a feeling of looming dread filling me up. I spotted Aziraphale and quickly pushed the odd feeling down as I approached the Angel.

"Any news?" I asked. Aziraphale shuffled from foot to foot as he looked anywhere but at me. I was worried and confused unsure of why Aziraphale was acting this way towards me when he had known me for thousands of years.

"Um.......What.....what kind of news would that be?" Aziraphale said quickly. I narrowed my eyes at the Angel knowing he was trying to get off the subject. I wasn't about to let though and pushed the Angel to answer.

"Well, have you found the missing Antichrist's name, address, and shoe size yet?" I snapped impatiently. I wanted to find my son before Heaven or Hell did so I could prevent him from choosing a dark path.

"His shoe size? Why.......Why would I have his shoe size?" Aziraphale asked tilting his head in confusion. I stared at the Angel for several seconds before shaking my head.

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