He chuckles and tilts his head a little. 'Jealous Cel?' He smirks, before eyeing me up and down. 

'Of what?' I fold my arms in front of my chest and walk past him. There needs to be as much distance as possible between us. I hate Marco in every way possible.

There is no real reason for it. I just don't like him. But he's Rio's best friend since forever, so I guess I need to live with the fact that he'll be around for a while. 

'That I'm not looking at you that way.' 'Now why would I want you if I can get any man I want?' A low chuckle leaves his throat, making me raise an eyebrow at him again. 

'Every man except me.' I roll my eyes. If he thinks I want him, he's wrong. I want nothing to do with him at all. We just work for the same asshole, but that's it. Nothing else. 

'As if I want that,' I place my folder on my desk and turn back to him, 'Now are you ready to go, or do you want to continue this bullshit conversation?' 

He smiles widely at me, looking like he won some big prize or something, and opens the door for me. 'Ladies first.' Ugh... 

We walk through the hallways and get into the elevator. The whole way down goes by in silence and I beg the gods that we won't get stuck. Cause if we do, I might kill him. 

'So-' The doors open and I immediately get out, walking onto the parking lot, almost running to my car. 'I'll meet you at the house!' I shout, before closing the door and locking it so that he can't get in. 

There is no way in hell that I'm driving him home. 

The whole drive home goes by quicker than usual. When I drive onto the property, onto the driveway, I notice there's a different car. A black Maserati Mc20, the one Brandon kept talking about ever since he got his driver's license, is parked in the middle of the driveway. 

Did that fucker really get his dream car already? I know Rio made a lot of money from his deal with the Ivanov's, but giving Brandon this, his fucking dream car is unbelievable. Not that he doesn't deserve it, but damn...

'Did you really get Brandon his dream car?!' I shout, running into his office. Rafael rolls his eyes at me and smiles, before looking at the person sitting in front of him. 'It's not his.' A deep voice mumbles. 

I recognize the voice immediately and stare at the person in front of me. What the actual fuck? 

The man slowly turns around and smiles at me. Dominic Brown... 

'Hello, cousin.' Dom smiles at me, slowly stepping my way. It takes a few seconds for me to process all of it. 'You're alive!?'  

He chuckles before wrapping his arms around me. I take in his smell, his signature cologne, making him smell like green apples and cinnamon, and hug him tightly. 

All this time, for two years, I thought he was dead, yet here he is. Hugging me tightly. 

'Wait, what the fuck is going on?' I ask, looking at Rio directly. 'You knew he was alive all this time?' 

He simply nods and pours some alcohol into a glass. A third glass. 'Of course.' He states, moving the glass my way. 

I take a seat in the chair in front of him and look at the two men. 'And you didn't think it would be a good idea to tell me?'

'It's better this way Elle.' Dominic says, before walking back to his seat next to me. 'Your mother is worried sick, can't I-' 'No.' They say in unison. 

'Why did it take you so long to get here? I sent Marco to get you three hours ago?' I look at Rio who looks at me curiously. 'Well, I needed to finish my job,' I turn back to my cousin and look at him one more time. 

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