Chapter 11

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(Narrator's POV)

Back at the hideout....

"You killed the woman too?!? Why?!? Why would you do that, Steven?!?" Connie screamed as Steven sighed, disregarding her clear anger over his actions. In reality, he had a reason for why he killed her.

"Well maybe if you'd shut your fucking mouth for two seconds and let me explain. I swear: All I ever get from you is lecture after lecture, Connie. Guess you took something away from those lessons with Pearl, huh?" Steven replied with a chuckle, angering Connie even further!


"Aw. Cry me a fucking river. All I see are the tears of the lapdog who got abandoned by her owner. Pearl got her new position of power and left you to dry. That's your own damn fault for believing she ever gave a damn about you, Connie." The hybrid replied as he got right in Connie's face.

"I am so fucking sick of you acting like you have it worse than I do! You've always been like that, even before all this happened! You lost your parents? Well you should have fucking appreciated them when they were here instead of acting like they were so horrible for being strict on you!! You've always been a fucking brat, Connie! I SHOULD HAVE LEFT YOUR ASS TO DIE THAT DAY ON THE BEACH!" Steven snarled as he glared right in Connie's tear stricken face....

Just as a pair of water hands separated them both!

"ENOUGH! THE BOTH OF YOU! THAT'S ENOUGH!" The angry voice of Lapis yelled as she, Peridot, Bismuth and Sadie came in, overhearing the heated argument.

"You two have known each other and cared about each other too long for things to just fall apart like this between you!" Lapis yelled, her eyes glowing an angry blue.

"I've known the both of you for years! You two love each other way too much for things to end like this! This is just insane! This needs to end! And it needs to end now!" Sadie exclaimed before looking at Steven.

"Listen, Steven. I get it. We all do. We all understand why you hate Connie. She was one of the people who betrayed your trust. But damn it she's trying to make things right and all you've done is lash out at her every chance you get! You suffered far worse than her, but she still suffered! She still lost her parents and has every reason to want to take Pearl down just like you!" Sadie exclaimed at the hybrid, who said nothing in reply.

Sadie then turned to Connie.

"And you Connie. You need to understand: Steven has every reason not to trust you. You can't get mad at him for how he feels about you. And he's right: You've suffered. But don't act like you've got it worse. In all honesty, you and him shouldn't compare trauma or losses at all." She said as Bismuth looked at Steven.

"That hatred you have for Connie, Steven? You need to aim that at Pearl. Connie may have betrayed your trust, but she didn't leave you for dead. You two aren't going to be able to get back at Pearl without each other and you both know it." The builder Gem said as Steven and Connie looked at each other.

"Now let's try this again: Steven? What were your reasons for killing that human?" Peridot asked as Steven began to explain what happened.

"I had no intention of ending her life. I came in looking for Dad. But she was losing her mind. She took one look at me and figured I was after Dad. And that's when things got bad....." Steven explained as his mind flashed back to earlier...


*"Get away from me! I'll call the Crystal Gems! They'll lock you up!" Daisy yelled as she rushed to the phone, prompting Steven to act. While he didn't want to hurt this woman, he couldn't risk a fight right now. He quickly cut the phone line, leaving the woman even more defensive.*

*"I can't let you do that. Now where is Greg Univer...GAHH!" Steven exclaimed as Daisy had a knife hidden and used it to slice the arm of the hybrid, who was now bleeding. Seeing his own blood awoke something in Steven. Something dark.*

*"You...stupid....BITCH!!!" Steven snarled as he began changing. He soon grew fangs. The controlled corruption formed a scale/spike like armor around his body. Daisy managed to get one last slash in but the controlled corruption took the slash!*

*"N-No! Please! I'll tell you where Greg is! Please don't kill me---AHHHHHHHHHHH!" Daisy pleaded before letting out a bloodcurdling scream as Steven ended her in his new form....*

"So it was in self defense. She took a knife out on you first and attacked you. Then you took this new form and lost control?" Peridot asked as Steven nodded.

"That's pretty much what happened. I never intended to kill her. But seeing my own brought something out of me that I couldn't control. Once it was over, I just wanted to calm down. So I poured a drink and just tried to calm my nerves until Dad eventually arrived. And...well you can guess the rest." Steven said as Connie sighed.

"Well. Judging by how Daisy was described, she would have gone running to Pearl if she would have lived. So maybe this was for the best. But anyway, Steven: How about we head back to my place? It's getting late and I don't like the idea of you prowling the streets alone at night." Connie said as Steven sighed.

"Whatever." He replied as the two of them left and headed back to Connie's home.

*At the Maheswaren Residence...*

"You know, this whole time, I've been trying to make things right. I've been trying to atone for how I hurt you in the past. Yet all you've done is hate me, call me every name in the book and yet I still decided let you shower and sleep here." Connie said as she came out the shower wearing a towel as Steven sat shirtless on the bed in her parents room.

"Hmph. Like I owe you shit. The way I see it, you're the same bitch you were back then. Pearl's little fucking clone. Both of you stabbed me in the back." Steven snarled as Connie shook her head.

"Yet I'm still alive. Despite all your hate to me, you haven't ended my life yet." Connie said.

"Don't tempt me, bitch. I can do it anytime I---"Steven growled until Connie dropped her towel, revealing her naked body. She had gained her Mom's curves over the past 5 years.

"Do it. I am completely vulnerable. Fucking do it, Steven. Let my blood spill right here and now." Connie said as Steven went silent. Despite his scathing words, something was keeping him from killing this girl. And for the life of him, he didn't know what it was.

"Let me ask first: Why are you doing this? What's wrong with you?!? I hate you and yet you still want to make things right with me?!? Why?!?" Steven snapped until Connie crashed her lips into his, giving him his answer as the two fell back onto the bed, her naked body now pressed against his....

......See ya next chapter.







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