Chapter 14

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Garnet sat in her meditative state in solitude as she focused her mind. The fusion hadn't been seen in public much since Steven's "death" and many wondered what had become of her. But she's been here, maintaining a constant state of meditation so that her mind could be prepared for whatever came her way. She refused to be as careless as she was years ago. In her mind, that's one of the things that led to current events.

Still, while they understood why Garnet was the way she was, it didn't prevent an air of uncertainty from being around the fusion in the minds of both Pearl and Amethyst, the latter who Garnet had called for personally to see her.

"What's wrong, Garnet? What do you need?" Amethyst asked as Garnet kept her back turned and stayed in her meditative state.

"Bring Bismuth here to me. There's a matter I need to discuss with her." Garnet said as the Purple Gem nodded and went to go find the Builder Gem. After a while, she came back with Bismuth.

"Here she is Garnet. Do I need to be here too?" Amethyst asked as Garnet stood up for the first time in what felt like ages. But she still had her back turned.

"No. You go on solo patrol. I need to speak with Bismuth alone." The fusion replied as Amethyst nodded and left, leaving Bismuth alone with Garnet. It was silent between the two for a moment before Bismuth finally spoke.

"I was on patrol before you called for me. Nothing going on and things are pretty calm." She said as Garnet took a deep breath and spoke.

"Bismuth....tell you know why I've been in here?" She asked.

"Pearl said something about how you wanted to refocus, but that's as much as I took from it. Why have you been in here alone, Garnet? I know you meditate but for this long?" Bismuth asked.

"True. I have been in here for a long time. I've rarely left this room and only for short times when I did. But it's all been worth it for what I've seen.  And one of the things I've seen...." Garnet began to say as she summoned her gauntlets and before Bismuth could react...



"Is that you've betrayed us. I've known Steven is still alive. And I know you've been aiding those humans against us. Such a shame. Pearl trusted you and so did I." Garnet said in a cold voice as Bismuth's form finally gave out as her Gem fell to pieces.

"Garnet? I heard something." Pearl said as she came in....and gasped at Bismuth's shards on the floor as Garnet looked at her.

"She betrayed us. But more importantly, Steven is still alive and is now a Therion. And he's the one who murdered those humans including Greg.  That's why those who knew of the resistance never came forward." The fusion said as Pearl looked stunned for a moment before a smirk and chuckle came from her.

"That Steven.....he doesn't know when to stay down. But then again, we raised him to be as he is. We can't expect him to be any less. And he's now a Therion? This certainly changes things quite a lot. I say a little family reunion is in order. However, we need to draw him out." She said as Garnet used her two Gems to recreate an image of an old photo:

" She said as Garnet used her two Gems to recreate an image of an old photo:

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"You and Amethyst take some of your drones and find Connie. Bring her here alive. And if Amethyst asks, tell her it's a direct order." Garnet said as Pearl nodded and left to find the Purple Gem.


Jasper was still bound and unable to break free. The Perfect Quartz really had fallen. But she didn't care. In her mind, Steven wasn't dead. She knew some Gem beast wasn't enough to beat him, despite what those Gems said. She had to find him. But she couldn't do much while stuck in her cell.

"Need a little help, there Jaspy?" A voice said as a hooded figure appeared and revealed herself to be none other than Spinel!

"What? You're that did you...?" Jasper began to ask until Spinel shushed her.

"Shhh! Keep your voice down or you'll alert the drones before I can get ya outta there! I managed to sneak in here and take out a couple of those drones. Thankfully, they're as tough as Pearls and I didn't have much trouble getting by them without drawing attention." The Heart Gem explained as she used her stretchy and slinky form to slide through and break the restraints on Jasper.

"Thank you. But tell me: Is Steven still alive?" Jasper asked. But before Spinel could answer, the alarm sounded!

"Come on! I'll explain on the way!" Spinel said as she drew her fist back and made a hole in the wall that led outside, allowing her and Jasper to escape!

See ya next chapter!






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