Chapter 6

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"Its right over here, Steven. Come on." Lapis said as she and Peridot led the hybrid to a remote area in the woods. Looking at one of the boulders, Peridot's face lit up as if she found the one she was looking for.

"Aha! Now let's get in contact with the others!" She said as she pulled out a communicator.

"Hey. You all there? We brought Steven with us. He says Connie already talked to him, so let us in." Peridot said as the boulder moved and revealed a pathway that led downward.

"Whoa. Never knew this was here." Steven said. In all his times coming here, he never would have guessed something like this was here.

"Well it turns out humans back in the old days weren't exactly helpless. Some of them were smart enough to make hidden pathways that they could take refuge in while wars were going on." Lapis explained as the 3 of them headed down the path and soon arrived in a room filled with all kinds of cameras, screens and tech. A dark skinned male was at the main console while a female was at another.

"Hey! You're back!" Connie exclaimed as she greeted the 3, causing everyone else to look as well. Many gasped at who they were seeing, still in disbelief that Steven Universe was actually alive and in front of them.

"Yeah. We ran into Steven on Homeworld and decided to bring him here with us." Peridot explained as the dark skinned male at the console chuckled.

"Well. It's been a while, Steven. Glad to see you're still around because we'll need you big time for this. You probably don't remember who I am, but Connie introduced us years ago at the skating rink." He said as Steven remembered who this was.

"Daniel, right? It's been a while, for sure. How's Patricia?" He asked as the dark skinned girl that was with Daniel kissed him on the cheek.

"Right here. A lot has changed over the years." She said with a smile.

"Well at least you two changed for the better unlike SOME people I know." Steven said bitterly as Connie sighed and put a hand to her temple, knowing who Steven meant by "some people".

"Look, Steven. We all want the same thing. So please: Can you and I TRY and put the past behind us long enough to make any sort of progress?" She asked as Steven glared at her.

"Killing you is sounding more and more appealing with every word that comes out of your mouth. A mouth, I bet, that still reeks of upper class/college study buddy dick. So you don't tell me shit, Connie. I'm only doing this to take Pearl down. Whatever happens to you makes no fucking difference to me, got it?!?" The hybrid snarled as everyone was a bit startled, even Lapis and Peridot.

"Listen guys. Moving on for a bit, we need to take care of that rat problem before we miss the chance to do so." Daniel said, trying to calm the tension in the room.

"Rat problem? Don't they have poison for that?" Steven asked.

"This is a different kind of rat. A rat who's a trust fund snitch that happened to catch one of us entering the hideout here. Thankfully, he hasn't been able to get an audience with the Gems to report this info. But he needs to be kept quiet. And that's where you come in, Steven. I'm sure your feelings won't be hurt if you get a chance to get at this guy." Daniel explained as he showed footage of what was a couple of days ago where a familiar young man in a polo shirt could be seen spying as Daniel entered the hideout.

"Kevin. That son of a bitch." Steven growled.

"Last time I saw him was when Jeff and I went to a party at his--nevermind." Connie began to say until she noticed the looks she was getting.

"You sure have a thing for assholes, Connie." Steven said.

"True. I dated you, didn't I?" She shot back as Steven growled.

"Fuck you! I swear: Keep running your mouth and I'll bury you next to your side boy Kevin!" Steven snarled as he got in Connie's face, prompting Lapis to step between them!

"Enough, the both of you! This isn't getting us anywhere!" The Water Gem snapped, her eyes glowing blue, a well known sign that she was annoyed or angry.

"Steven, this needs to be dealt with before Kevin gets a chance to expose us. How you do it makes no difference. But if you have to kill him, then so be it. But try to make that a last resort." Patricia said as Steven glared at Connie before leaving to deal with Kevin.

"Working with you two is going to be quite the challenge." Daniel said as Connie groaned.

"I get it, OK? I know what I did. But Steven needs to understand that he's not the only one with a grudge against Pearl. She killed my parents!" The woman snapped as Peridot shook her head.

"Yeah. And while that is indeed tragic, the Gems that Steven saw as family? They made him wish he was dead. They left him to die." The Green Gem said.

"And like it or not, you were among the ones who betrayed him, Connie. I can't blame him for how he feels about you. But at least this'll be a nice distraction for Steven." Patricia said.

"Probably for the best. Listen. I didn't tell you guys, but Kevin isn't the only  rat. There's another." Daniel explained as he played footage that showed an aged man wearing an old shirt that read "Mr Universe" watching as Patricia entered the hideout one day.....

.....See ya next chapter!







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