Chapter 9

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(Narrator's POV)

"I can already taste that chicken! What are you guys going to order?" Ronaldo asked as he and the others had left through the back exit of the hideout and were on their way to Empire City for some well earned food.

"Any of it sounds good and--huh? Connie? You alright?" Peedee asked as Connie was looking off into space, her mind clearly elsewhere. Or rather it was focused on someone specific.

"Connie? You're still thinking about Steven, aren't you?" Patricia asked as Connie sighed. Not like she was wrong in her assumption.

"Tell me: How did it come to this? How did it go from a meeting on the beach between him and I to all of this right now?" Connie asked sadly.

"I dunno. Steven's family leaving him for dead? You becoming more of a hindrance in his life, leading him on before dumping him through a text? And doing this after he let you into his life and---OOF!"" Ronaldo exclaimed as he slumped to the ground after a punch to the gut from an annoyed Sadie.

"Connie. You and Steven both need to see things from the other's perspective. For as long as I've known the both of you and seen you together, that's always been something I've noticed: The both of you care about each other but never see things from the other's eyes. That by itself will ruin a relationship. Neither of you can see things from the other's point of view, and without that second perspective, a relationship will always fail no matter what you do." Sadie explained.

"You can't have Tunnel vision when you're in a relationship with someone. To make it work, both of you have to see things not just from your own view, but your partner's. Sharing your pain and sharing the load when both of you are stressed. That's why people who think being in a relationship is easy don't have a clue." Kiki said as Connie sighed.

"That's true. As long as I've known Steven, I've never truly KNOWN him. I've never seen things from his view. I...I've never seen how much he's gone through or why he does what he does, did what he did or why he's the way he is. I never--huh? Oh no. I forgot my purse. It's back at the hideout." She said as Patricia laughed.

"Ha! Perfect timing! You and Steven can have a little chat! Don't worry: We'll bring you guys something back." She said as Connie looked worried. Yes, she wanted to talk to Steven. But she also wanted to keep her limbs intact as well. And after seeing what Steven did to Kevin? Well that scared her quite a bit.

"Don't worry: I can tell by the look on your face that you're worried. Lucky for you, Lapis and I don't need to eat. So we'll come back with you in case Steven decides to put your head in a jar too! Though based on what I've learned about human anatomy, I don't think human females have those appendages that Steven cut off that Kevin human. Unless....are you a fut--MPPPH!" Peridot began to ask until Lapis covered her mouth, stopping her from asking the wrong question.

"Let's just get back to the hideout." Lapis said as she, Peridot and Connie headed back to the hideout, unaware of the fight that was going on...


Claw met Axe as Steven was going blow for blow against Bismuth, the latter being confused as can be! Who was this person?!?

"Who are you!?! Where are the others?!? Where are the humans that are here?!?" Bismuth yelled as Steven got an opening and sent the builder Gem back with a hard blow from his corrupted fist, sending the Builder Gem to the ground.

"Why does it matter to you? You won't be alive to say shit to any of them, you fucking backstabbing traitor! Couldn't turn against Pearl, could you Bismuth? You two are still a thing long after that night at the skating rink? I would say congratulations, but I'd have to give a damn about you to do that." Steven growled as Bismuth gasped.

"How do you know about all that?!? And what do you mean by traitor?? can't be Steven?!? So Connie was right! You really are alive!" She exclaimed.

"Which is more than I'm about to be able to say for you. Don't worry, Pearl will join you soon!" Steven said as he was about to bring his fist towards Bismuth's Gem until...

"STEVEN! STOP!" Lapis screamed as her, Peridot and Connie arrived back as Bismuth chuckled.

"So there you guys are. Mind calling him off so I can--OOOF!" Bismuth began to say until Steven punched her across the face.

"What the fuck are you 3 doing back?!? And why are you trying to stop me from killing this bitch?!? For all we know, she may have killed that contact of yours!" Steven snapped.

"No she didn't! She couldn't have done it!" Connie snapped.

"How the fuck do you know?!?" Steven snarled as Bismuth pulled out an old familiar glow bracelet out of her armor: A sign that showed what side she was on.

"Because I am that contact." She said as Steven looked at her in amazement, finally calming down.

Bismuth was on their side.

Heh! Surprised? See ya next chapter!







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