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*A week later*

(Narrator's POV)

"So you guys are really leaving?" Spinel asked Steven, who smiled. He and Connie were leaving Beach City. Neither of them had anything left there that kept them in place, so they decided to move on together.

"Yeah. No reason to stay here anymore. Besides, I can count on you and Jasper to handle things, can't I? You're my best friend, aren't you? So I should trust you, Spinel." Steven said as Spinel tearfully wrapped him in a hug.

"You go and be happy, Steven. You and Connie both. Or I will be very upset." She said as Connie came over with Sadie, Kiki and Jenny.

"Am I interrupting?" She asked as Steven smiled.

"No. Not at all. How are things on your end?" The hybrid asked as Connie giggled.

"Just finishing some last minute stuff. Jasper said she'd keep an eye on Amethyst, but she'd go easy on her since Amethyst was pretty much just a pawn in Pearl and Garnet's plans. Plus she knows that's what you would want."  She replied as Steven looked and saw Amethyst(back in her old attire) helping Ronaldo, Buck and Sour Cream with some lifting.

"Hey. Give me a minute. I'll be right back." Steven said as he went over to his sister. When Amethyst saw him, she looked away, still ashmed of herself.

"Steven...." She began to say until Steven hugged her, causing her to tear up.

"I didn't want to leave without letting you know that I love you and forgive you. I don't hold what Pearl and Garnet did against you at all. You didn't know and that allowed Pearl to manipulate you. To me, you'll always be by sister. You'll always be family, Amethyst." The hybrid said as Amethyst hugged him back as Jasper looked on and smiled.

"Tch. Same old Steven. Too kindhearted for his own damn good." She chuckled to herself as Connie, Spinel, Lapis and Peridot came over.

"The car is ready anytime...huh?!? Steven! Your arm!!" Connie exclaimed as Steven looked at his corrupted arm as the corruption began to break and crack apart like it was nothing more than a shell. But as the corruption broke and wasted away, it revealed Steven's human arm, looking brand new as if it never took any damage.

"Wha...the controlled corruption...it's gone...in fact...I don't feel like a Therion anymore. I feel like my old self again. Before all of this happened." Steven said happily as he summoned and unsummoned his shield as Connie and the others looked on with smiles on their faces. The Steven they all loved was back.

"Let's get moving, Steven. I don't know where the road will take us, but whatever we face, we'll do it together." Connie said as she and Steven shared a kiss before they got into the car and drove off with everyone else waving goodbye to them.

Steven's life was at peace once more.

The end!

Yet another story complete! I'm glad you guys seemed to enjoy it!

Until next time!







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