Chapter 2

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(Narrator's POV)

"What?!? You want to go back to Earth on your own?!? After what happened to you?!? Why, Steven?!?" Blue exclaimed as Steven and Spinel were discussing the hybrid heading back to Earth to see what's changed. But it was also to gather more info on what had taken place in the last five years. Needless to say, the Diamonds weren't too keen on the idea.

"It's personal. Especially after what happened to me. I won't find out anything by staying here and doing nothing. I could end any of them down there if I felt like doing it. Plus I'm much stronger and feel my old strength coming back." Steven explained.

"That's what the platoon is for, Steven! What those wretched Gems did to you will NOT go unanswered! You have no reason to go down there and risk further harm to yourself!" Yellow snapped.

"Oh but that's where you're wrong: I've got every damn reason there is to go back there and deal with them! You say what they did won't go unanswered? Good! Then let me answer it! They didn't attack any of you! You didn't come in here near death and missing a limb! When I find Pearl, Garnet or Amethyst, I'll rip them apart! I'll break their very beings into dust for what they did to me!!!" And the same will happen to anyone who stands with them, be it human or Gem!!!" Steven snarled as his arm shapeshifted into a claw, much to the shock of everyone. Time had made the hybrid angry and hateful.

And as much as that worried the Diamonds and Spinel, none of them could say he was wrong for feeling such a way. And what he was saying was indeed true: Steven had grown much stronger. And that new arm of his was more than a match for anyone on Earth.

"Very well. But if you even get a hint of anything that may bring you harm, do not hesitate to come back here. Please be careful, Steven. We love you." Blue said as Steven nodded and walked towards the warp pad. Even saying things like "I love you" didn't hold much meaning to the hybrid anymore.

"Stevie....please lemme come with ya. I don't...." Spinel said with concern as Steven looked at her.

"You'll draw too much attention. That isn't what I want right now. For the time being, I don't need Pearl or the Gems knowing I'm still alive. Let them keep their little delusion going for now. I've got other matters to deal with." He replied as he warped back to Earth.

*Moments later...*

Steven soon arrvied at warp in Beach City Woods. He made his way through and once he emerged, he soon saw Beach City had changed: A large statue of Garnet, Amethyst, Pearl and himself was in the middle of the town along with a separate memorial next to his that read: "In Memory of our beloved son, friend, teammate and family Steven Universe. We will never forget his heroic sacrifice."

"Heroic sacrifice, my ass. They left me to die. And I'm.going to find out why even if I have to eat them to do it." Steven growled to himself. That statue...and that memorial...they were all made to spread a lie. To win over everyone.

"Unidentified Citizen. Please identify yourself." A familiar drone like voice said as Steven looked and saw what looked to be a holo Pearl, but it was a drone.

"I repeat: Identify yourself or---" The Pearl drone began to say until....


"Never enjoyed artificial stuff. Doesn't taste good. Anyway, I need info on what's going on...hold on..." Steven said as he hid and listened in on a conversation.

"On my way now, Connie. I haven't seen you since you've been home. I'll be there in a bit." The now older Jeff said as he was heading to the home of Connie Maheswaren, providing the perfect opportunity for some revenge.

"He's in a car. Can't follow on foot, so.." Steven said as he focused some of the controlled corruption to his back, allowing him to sprout a pair of wings as he took flight in the air, tailing Jeff's car from the skies. Once Jeff stopped at Connie's house, he stopped to look at something, allowing Steven a moment to sweep in and....


Jeff's upper body separated from his lower half as he was split in half like a melon. Steven then picked up his upper half and sliced his head off for good measure before seeing what Jeff was looking at before his demise: The decayed bodies of both Connie's parents.

"Wonder who got to them first? Connie's Mom was a bitch but her Dad wasn't too bad. Never did me any wrong at least. But that doesn't matter now." Steven said as he knocked on the door.

"Hang on, Jeff. Here I come..." Connie could be heard saying. She sounded older, obviously.

"Hey babe, it's good to---" Connie said as she opened the door and gasped in pure horror at what she saw: Steven(though she didn't know it was him) clutching the severed head of her now dead boyfriend while the rest of him was on the ground, his intestines now having spilled out from the attack.

"W-Who are you?!? What...?!?" Connie said as she backed up in fear into her home as Steven shut the door behind them.

"You really don't know who I am?" He asked as Connie was now backed up against the wall in pure fear. She was going to meet the same fate Jeff did from this mysterious assassin.

Steven then chuckled and removed his hood, revealing his face to a terrified Connie.

"Heh..I'm hurt....Strawberry." Steven said as he felt his corruption claw forming as Connie was frozen with fear and soon slammed up against the wall with the claw at her throat!

"We have a LOT of catching up to do. And you're going to tell me EVERYTHING." Steven said in a dark voice.

Heh! He's baaaack! See ya next chapter!









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