5 | 𝙨𝙪𝙞𝙘𝙞𝙙𝙖𝙡 𝙢𝙖𝙣𝙞𝙖𝙘

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y/n pov
it was chemistry time; you, okajima, maehara, and muramatsu were waiting behind the door to ambush korosensei.

when he came in, he was able to dodge every attack while setting down chemistry tools on each table.

the 3 boys were already tired from attacking while you were still at it.

you swung and swung the knife at him repeatedly until he was in the area you wanted him to be. you smirked.

you took out an anti-sensei grenade and made yourself look like you were gonna throw it at him, when really it was just a distraction.

"w-wait y/n-san! not so close to the students-!"

then you took out your gun, aimed at the spot above him and fired.

"wha-" an anti-sensei net came falling down on him which he barely dodged due to panicking, only catching 2-3 of his tentacles.

"nice one y/n!" muramatsu exclaimed.

"yeah, you almost got him again!" okajima said.

"that feint was awesome!" maehara follows.

you high-fived the 3 boys. "hehe thanks! you guys were cool too!" you smiled at them.

"u-umm... what's korosensei doing?" nagisa asked as he looked at the octopus who seems to be sulking in a corner.

"oho? his pride as an 'unkillable' teacher must've been damaged after getting owned by y/n-chan 2 times, and it's only her second day

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"oho? his pride as an 'unkillable' teacher must've been damaged after getting owned by y/n-chan 2 times, and it's only her second day." karma smirked, mocking the octopus.

you went to korosensei and patted him at the back, wearing a closed-eye smile. "don't mind~."

the class snickered.

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korosensei was teaching how to extract food coloring from candies, while you were busy doing something else.

you were seated in the middle of hayami and okuda.

karma, who was sitting in front of you, spoke. "hey y/n-chan, what are you making?" he said as he watched you mix chemicals.

"a drink." you replied with a small smile.

you poured the final product in a glass, took out a bottle of whipped cream and swirled it on top, then sprinkled it with choco powder. you totally didn't get them from the octopus' sweets stash that you found hidden.

𝐦𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐬 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐌𝐀𝐅𝐈𝐎𝐒𝐎  ♛ | ᴋ. ᴀᴋᴀʙᴀɴᴇ Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant