Chapter 9 - Plot Heavy

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"I made someone a promise..."

Naofumi was...

"... at the end of our fight, we are still comrades."

What was Naofumi?


Naofumi was pissed.

Gripping his hands at the absurdity of the whole situation, Naofumi ran through as many possibilities in his head as he could to figure out a way out of this, without risking Ren, Itsuki, Raphtalia, Keel or Rifana. He...

He had nothing.

Naofumi Uchiha, the Blood Rain of the Hidden Leaf, for one of the fourth time in his life, felt complete and utter despair. The first at the death of his team, then at the death of his cousin, and then the fall of his clan. Now, he was trapped in this world, where no-one was able to help him, not his comrades, his friends, hell, he'd even take Naruto at this point. Naofumi needed someone.


Anyone other than the snobby girl that was hanging off his shoulder.

"Too bad Shield Hero, you must be so upset about your loss." mocked Myne. "It really is such a shame, that you'll have to go back to fighting all by yourself."
"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't stab you through the heart with my Chidori and end your pitiful existence." dared Naofumi. "I've had all I can take with you, this country, and this world."
"Well, I don't think either of my parents would be very pleased at the idea." answered Myne in a smug tone, and laughing bitterly at him. "Besides..."

"Why make yourself an enemy of both my father, the King, and the Queen?"

Naofumi's eyes exploded out of his head. This he had not seen coming. Princess? She held the entire country in the palm of her hand.

"Your fighting was brilliant, Master Motoyasu." said the King.
"S-Sir!" responded Motoyasu, as the King placed a supportive hand on his shoulder.
"Now I know why my daughter Malty choses to believe so much in you."
The bitch giggled lightly. "You see Papa?"

'So... the Princess framed me to get into the good graces of her favourite hero. And the father twisted the facts to please his dear daughter. Even this duel was a set up all along...'

'Give into it...'

'I didn't come to this world willingly, and if I could, I'd take everyone who means anything to me back to the Leaf Village and leave this world to burn. They summoned me here, when they personify me as the Devil itself, and I don't understand why?! Why go through all the trouble?!'

'Let your emotions run wild...'

"The girls who have been enslaved by the cowardly Shield Hero, has been given their freedom by the triumphant Spear Hero!" yelled the announcer, causing the crowd to cheer and mutter amongst themselves.

"It's clear that we never should have summoned the Shield Hero to begin with."
"The other three serve us well."
"We should just get rid of that criminal scum as soon as possible."
"Our country doesn't need the shield."
"Execute the Shield Hero right away."

'Give them the reigns...'

'How can this be happening? How can I fix this? Can I fix this?'

'Embrace what lies within your blood...'

"It's about time that we set these poor girls free." said the Princess, drawing Naofumi's attention up towards his genin.
'Raphtalia... Keel... Rifana...'
"Begin." ordered the King.

'They take everything from you...'

The ritual proceeds as the slave marks are taken away. Naofumi can only watch in horror as three of the most important people in his life are taken away from him.

Naofumi of the SharinganOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz