Chapter 5: The Capital Of The Dead

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I wake up with a massive hangover. Even though I was mostly sober last night I still get hangovers but I remember everything that happened.

I go downstairs and everyone eats into Ban's cooking. Last night I erased everyone's memories of last night starting from when Elizabeth, Diane, and Hawk went up after me. I changed it so they just went to their rooms and slept.

I need to be more careful to not reveal who I am... it's not the right time for that...

I finish eating soon and I find us in Tala Village. Suddenly without a word Ban rushes outside. I follow him curious why he ran outside as soon as we stopped. He stops a girl and grabs her shoulders. He screams out a name I've heard many times before.

"ELAINE!?" Ban asks.

He realizes it's not her and sighs. The scene makes my heart ache. I stare blankly at the scene. My whole entire body feels empty and I know that each second that passes by my heart grows stone cold. I walk up to Ban and ask him what happened.

He says its nothing but I know hes lying. It only makes my heart grow stone cold faster. Ban walks past me with two kids and leads them to the boar hat. I follow not sure what to do. Ban feeds the two kids once we get inside and I hear him finally speak up.

"How do you get to the Capital Of The Dead?" Ban asks.

"Not sure but there is a saying, 'A priceless memory shared with the deceased will open the path to the capital.' " The girl says.

Ban nods and tells the others as the kids continue to eat. I lean on the wall next to the door and wait. Once everyone else is informed we lead the kids back to the village. We walk to a field of only grass.

"A priceless memory shared with the deceased will open the gate to the capital..." Elizabeth says.

As soon as I hear Elizabeth say that the gate opens up as memories flood back to me. We all walk in and everyone is confused but Ban walks right in. I walk in with the others. As soon as I walk in I can hear Ban calling Elaine's name.

I see many particles zooming past me and I feel very familiar presence. I run after them as the others minus Ban are wondering where I'm going. I ignore their questions and run. Soon after all of the spirits have stopped I find myself in a very secluded area.

The spirits form in front of me and I see Liz, Zeno, Aranak, Elaine, Gowther, Nadja, Helbram, The Cheif of Belialuin, and slight glimpses of Matrona. I look at each of them.

"No one knows anything of who I really am. I've had some slight slip ups but I have already altered their memories. I'm here to look for Harlequin with Ban, Diane, Meliodas, and the 4th princess of Liones, Elizabeth." I say.

They all nod at me in understanding and I stare at Elaine.

"Elaine.... I need to talk to you in private.... It was nice to see you all again..." I say.

Everyone nods but Zeno, Liz, Nadja, and Aranak. They bow to me then leave. Once Elaine and I are left alone I start talking.

"Elaine... heh... you're lucky Ban cares about you... He hardly gives me a second glace... I love Ban... but so do you. All I want to say is... You win. You're the one for Ban. He's looking for you ya know... Go see him..." I say.

Right then and there I feel the ground shake and see an explosion. I run towards it and see King and Ban turned to stone. Elain kisses Ban and the spell is broken. I run past as I see another explosion.

I run over and King, Ban, and Elaine's spirit is behind me. I see Meliodas and Diane fighting a Holy Knight. King yells out and changes his sacred treasure Chastiefol into its 2and configuration, Guardian.

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