The Lucky One

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(July, 4th, 2012)

Allie's Pov:

I sigh and take a step off the plane. A fake smile planted on my face. I finally am home... I look around for the one person I have been dying to see so badly for the longest of time and I finally spot her.

"Allie!" Vern shouts runing toward me.

"Veronica!" I shout running toward her. Tears just flow out of my eyes now that I have seen my best friend I realize I have to tell here everything that has happend.. I mean i am pretty sure she read it herself but she doesnt know the real story..

"So how did the boys take it when you left?" She questioned. I froze and more tears came out, the truth is. I didnt tell the boys not one of them and I feel so horrible. I left Niall, Liam, and Ed high and dry.. But it was for a good reason.. I mean all there fans think I make there popularity go down. So I left not only that but I couldnt take Zayn and Perrie together..

"Allie... Earth to Allie!?" Vern shouts waving her hands infront of my face.

"About that.." I whisper.

"Allie Elizebethe.. What did you do?" She whispers. I look into her warm brown eyes that reminded me of Liam. They had the same look and everything.

"Well.. It started when a lot of there fans started saying I am just dragging them down.. Soon managment thought so too.. Then me and Zayn finally got together.. But he wanted Perrie more then me.. So I just... left." I whisper to her sitting in the airport Starbucks. She looks at me at first her gaze hardens but then softens when I tell her the part about Zayn.

"Well. Since you have been gone I have became pretty good friends with the one and only Big Time Rush." She says smiling.

"Good friends. or are you stalking again?" I asks actually laughing for the first time in 11 hours.

"Oh haha! Very funny!" She states. "I really am! I am a manager at a CEO office and it happens to be their managment. Me and Carlos are getting pretty close. James has Halston. Kendall and Logan are single!." She says with a wink. I roll my eyes at her really not even 11 hours after I broke up with someone she is trying to hook me up with some other pop singer!? Typical Vern..

"I think ill stay away from dating a little while.." I say taking a sip of my Latte

"Well to bad because they are here to meet youo!" She says all happy, she gets up and runs up to Carlos hugging him tightly. James had a beautiful blonde by him im guessing his girlfriend. Kendall looked happy just being with his friends and Logan was into a app on his phone. They sat down at the same table as us. James and his girlfriend by Veronica and Carlos. Logan pulled up a chair and Kendall was by me.

"So Allie. We heard you can sing." Kendall asks sweetly. I nod and put my Latte down.

"Yeah. But I want to become a model." I say sweetly back.

"What kind?" James says from across the table.

"Maybe Hollister, or Victoria Secret." I say looking around at them. Logan looked up and smirked and I looked at Kendall beside me and he turned a rosie color which made me giggle a bit.

"When she said she was close with Big Time Rush I thought she meant stalking wise." I say laughing. Which made them all laugh except Vern. She glared but then gave me a smile.

"I think you have a voice mail. Uh I wasnt like looking at your phone it just vibrated and everything." Kendall studders out. He is sweet. I laugh and put it up to my ear to hear his Zayn's voice. My eyes go wide and tears began swimming in my eyes.

"Hey Allie. I... Uhm.. I really dont know what to say right now.. But I was at the airport when you boarded.. But I didnt get there in enough time.. I just wanted to tell you one last time.. That I love you so much."

"Allie are you alright?" I hear Kendall say beside me. He puts his hand on mine and I look him in the eyes and smile and nod. I dont think they know my lying face, not even Vern knows my lying face. The only people who did was Ed and the Boys...

I end the call and put my phone back on the table only for Kendall to pick it back up for a second and put it back down and smiling wide at me,

"Now you have my number." He says sweetly.

He stands up and gives me a kiss on the cheek.

"We should get your things." He says smiling. I nod and everyone stands up to head to the place to get it.

(January 24th, 2014)

I smile as I get out of my costume and into my real clothes for the day. Kendall is taking me out for lunch.

"Good photo shoot today Allie! See you tomorrow!" the photographer shouts at me. I sent him a big smile and walk out to find my boyfriend of 2 years waiting for me.

"Hey babe." He says smiling big. I smile back and give him a kiss on the lips.

"Where too?" I ask

"Hmm. Olive Garden sounds lovely." he says his green eyes twinkling in the beautiful London sun.

"I love Olive Garden." I say back. He smiles big and takes my hand. Today is the day we got together two years ago. So I am wearing my cute sundress Niall got me awhile back. Im not the same Allie. I have matured a lot. Prettier figure, prettier everything. Im not 16 anymore. Im 18.

We finally make it into Olive Garden and take our seats. I look up at the T.V. to see the "Breaking News"

I read the subtitles

"One Direction boy tying the knot!?"

I laugh it is probably Louis. I look down then back up to see Zayn on his knee on stage with Perrie.

I spit my water out everywhere.

No way....


I promised the Sequel and here it is my lovelies!!!

The Lucky One [z.m./n.h.]Where stories live. Discover now