Charlotte nods again, letting out a shaky exhale, "He used to get so mad at me, and I haven't learned how to deal with it. That night, before I was kidnapped, when you came into the room, you saved me from getting pushed to the ground and repeatedly hit all over again. I mean- Nate was on drugs and none of you realized. He was getting aggravated and I pushed even more buttons by refusing to get back with him, because I knew he was on drugs." She states in a soft tone—her voice thickening as vulnerability fills it.

The distant memory slowly fades away as my longing eyes meet hers, "I would never hurt you, love." I mutter under my breath.

"What?" Charlotte asks, her brow furrowing.

I shake my head slightly, "Nothing. I, uh- I'll talk to you later." I state as Charlotte nods.

She slowly brushes past me, leaving me standing in the middle of the hall, looking like a complete idiot.

I let out a sharp exhale, my mind traveling with sudden thoughts;

Something happened between us—I can feel it in my bones, I just can't fully remember every thing that happened, so I can't just tell her that I know we belong together—that'll just make me make a total fool out of myself.

What the hell happened between us.

C'mon, Derek...




Why can't I fucking remember anything other than these fucking distant memories?

I need to get Charlotte back, I can't just let her get away—I can't lose her. I feel something between us, I can tell that she's hurt by it.

C'mon, Derek.

You can do this.

"She really fucking loves you." I hear a familiar voice state from behind me.

My brow furrows as I turn around, my eyes landing on Emily standing behind me.

"What?" I ask.

Emily chuckles lightly, "Charlotte." She begins, "She's in love with you." She states.

"Seriously?" I ask.

Emily shakes her head in disbelief, letting out a sharp exhale as she looks at me, her eyes searching mine for a minute.

"Are you really that stupid?" Emily asks.

"What? No. I'm not stupid-" I begin to defend myself.

"You clearly are." She states.

My brow furrows in confusion as Emily lets out a heavy exhale, "I'm only telling you this because no one else fucking will, because apparently it can trigger your mind and possibly send you into another coma and kill you—but I can't stand to watch you two like this because it'll kill me." She states.

"Walk with me." She states, gesturing for me to walk down the hall with her.

I nod, following after her as we begin to walk through the bullpen.

I let out a sharp exhale as we turn the corner, walking into an empty hall, "What was the deal between Charlotte and I?" I ask.

Emily turns to me, pulling me into an empty office, shutting the door behind us, "You and Charlotte were endgame—everybody here wanted to fucking be you guys. You guys deserved each other, and you both were made for each other. You both were so in love with each other, but being the fragile people that you are—neither of you believed in love, so you never admitted it. I had never heard the words 'I love you' come from your lips. You rarely ever said to Savannah, so I always thought that you would end up all alone—that was until you met Charlotte." She explains, pacing around the office.

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