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3rd POV:

"thank you all for gathering here in such short notice" FP said while all of his employees stood and sat in the break room looking at him with eager eyes.

"i was just informed that a group of individuals snuck into the park a couple of days ago, unfortunately they got away before the authorities could get them" FP sighed before continuing.

"so i will be hiring a night guard from here on out, hopefully this won't happen again" He spoke before narrowing his eyes to Cheryl's group.

"you guys mind telling us where you were that night?" FP asked the group who pretended to look confused.

"hold up hold up..you're going to try and pin this on us?" Cheryl spoke up.

"how do we know it wasn't you and some thirty year old soccer mom trying to find a special place to do the freaky?" She asked crossing her arms.

"are you trying to get fired blossom?" He asked with a scoff.

"haha you wouldn't FP, you love me too much. i'm one of your hardest workers and i get shit done..so why would lil old me and my friends here do anything so juvenile?" Cheryl sarcastically laughed.

Fp sighed.

"okay meetings over, you can go home now, Cheryl stay back a sec" he said.

"go without me i brought my bike" Cheryl told the group who nodded then left the small room.

"first i want to apologize, i shouldn't have accused you of something like that" He started off which got a nod from Cheryl in return.

"it's fine just give me a raise" She teased.

"okay" He agreed causing Cheryl to snap her head up.

"what?! dude i was just joking" Cheryl said confused.

"i know you were but i'm not..you were right earlier, you're one of the best workers i got and you deserve to be payed more than nine dollars an hour" FP explained.

"Oh my goodness! thank you thank you!" Cheryl squealed before engulfing him in a hug.

"oh! uh i mean..that's chill bro" She said quickly regaining herself and trying to play it off.

"good save" FP chuckled.

"thanks Forsyth, that was weird how you were accusing me of a crime and now i'm getting payed more" She winked causing him to playfully roll his eyes.

"okay well i'll get the paper work done, you can go now" he said.

"oh! also back to what you said earlier about the soccer mom...where the fuck do you think i can actually do that? this parks nasty as balls" FP joked.

"the Dr.Seuss ride is pretty spacious" Cheryl winked.


"yo T are you going to help us cook or are ya just going to sit on your ass the whole time?" Veronica asked the girl who was sitting on the large island in the middle of the kitchen playing on her phone.

Toni wasn't listening, she was too busy trying not to die on subway surfers.

"do i need to bitch slap you Antoinette?" Ronnie groaned.

"Toni we need your help! helloooooo!" Josie said trying to gain the smaller girls attention.

"okay fine" Josie sighed.

"Antoinette Irene if you don't help us right now i will tell your parents that you steal from their liquor cabinet every friday so you can watch euphoria while wasted" Josie threatened, Veronica behind her nodding her head.

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