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3rd POV:

"Cheryl stop I get it!" Betty says annoyed at her cousin while they walked down the walkway of the Jurassic Park rides. They were on their break and decided to walk around while sharing a bag of caramel popcorn.

"no you don't! betty it was perfect like it felt like i was floating!" Cheryl says with passion in her eyes.

"kissing her? made you feel like you were floating?" Betty asked confused.

"well no that's a weird comparison..okay remember when we ate a shit ton of weed gummy's with Reg and Arch?" Cheryl asks her cousin who nodded in response.

"it felt like that! minus y'know the head ache and Reggie dry humping Archies teddy bear" Cheryl says.

"Ha! yeah i remember that" Betty giggled.

"but dang Cher you're already pussy whipped. This is a new record" Betty teased.

"do i need to remind you that you had a wet dream about Veronica the same day you met her?" Cheryl fired back.

"you're never letting that go are you?"

"you brought that upon yourself cooper" Cheryl smirks.

"yeah yeah" Betty sighs.

"oh! since it's Saturday i'm thinking we should hit up Jennas party tonight, apparently her mom got caught with a stash of heroin in her ass so she got arrested and the house is empty" Betty explained while Cheryl ate some of the popcorn.

"i think Jenna needs to worry about her mother's habit of sticking things up her asshole, not throwing party's" Cheryl says.

"oh cmon it'll be fun, plus she's the only one that has a pool" Betty says nudging Cheryl's arm.

"that pool is definitely filled with thirty different cases of goner-rhea and chlamydia" Cheryl says throwing a piece of popcorn in the air and catching it in her mouth.

"she's hosting it because she wants to impress Jaidyn brown though we should be there to support her" Betty informs her.

"how do you know that?"

"because she told me" Betty said showing Cheryl her conversation with Jenna from earlier.

"they'd be cute but i'm pretty sure he only goes for basic blonde bitches with dandruff" Cheryl jokes.

"well are we going or?"

"ugh i don't know Betts, i don't really like dumb high school party's" Cheryl groans.

"but you go to clubs all the time how's this different?" Betty whined.

"it's different because i don't know anyone there and i can hookup with whoever i want without having a rumor spread" Cheryl explains.

"yeah but now you've got a lady so there will be no hooking up involved whatsoever anyways" Betty smirked.

"okay one she isn't my 'lady' and two i promised Archie that we would write something, for old times sake" Cheryl explains.

"you're no fun blossom" Betty frowned.

"ask Kev to go with you"

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