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Cheryl's POV:

I woke up to my wretched alarm around 6am, usually i would be having trouble getting out of bed but the thought of possibly seeing Toni again gave me enough adrenaline to jump out of bed and get ready.

Today the whole group was stationed at the same place, which is pretty rare. We were at  the 'Hogwarts express' which if you don't know what that is, it's a harry potter themed train that's actually pretty cool the first time but after doing it over and over it gets pretty boring.

On the downside, the uniform is horrid and i had no way around it. I also didn't wanna take any longer to get there so i just threw it on. It was a blue and white striped long sleeved button up with a dark grey suit vest over it, the vest had a small harry potter badge on it. Then i put on the slim black suit pants and threw on a newsboy cap on my wavy red hair.

"ok i can work with this...i think" i said to myself in the mirror. The only thing i really could do was roll up the sleeves on the long button up shirt, which i did, showing off more of my tattoos.

"great, second day seeing her and i have to wear this crap thanks a lot FP" i said to myself while putting on the dress shoes i was given.

I walked out the room after grabbing my phone and wallet.

"Good morning!" My mom said to me while sipping on her coffee.

"morning mom" i smiled kissing the top of her head and grabbing a piece of toast she made.

"is there an old town ride or something? you look like our paper boy from when i was younger" my mom asked.

"no harry potter train thing" i rolled my eyes while taking a bite of the toast.

"oh fun!" my mom smiled just then Jason walked out with the same outfit as me minus the newsboy cap and his sleeves rolled down.

"wait they didn't give you one of these?!" i asked Jason while pointing to the hat on my head.

"only girls wear those" he laughed while walking over to min and kissing her head.

"that's so sexist" i rolled my eyes.

"honey it's a hat don't be so dramatic, and you look very pretty in it" my mom reassured me.

"thank you mother" I said.

"Jason please make sure you brush your teeth and put on some cologne" my mom
reminded him like he's 5 and combing his hair to the right side.

"mom stop i'm 18 i can handle myself" he rolled his eyes while lightly pulling her hand away from his hair.

"oh really? Jason you pissed the bed 3 days ago" she reminded him making me snort.

"mom!" he whined.

"wait till Betty,Kev and Arch hear about this" i teased.

"Cheryl! It's not my fault i had nightmares.." he said sadly.

"man up and take responsibility" My mom giggled.

"okay that's it i'm leaving" he said storming out of the apartment forgetting his car keys, phone and wallet.

"okay love you mom cya later" i hugged her then grabbed my stuff and Jason's and made my way to his car where he sat with an upset expression.

"let's go urine boy" i teased again while throwing him his keys for his old Chevrolet blazer and getting in the car.

"so..you excited that we're all working together today?" Jason asked suddenly more happier.

"yeah usually these are the best shifts i get during the summer" i respond.

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