Thinking about what?

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(3rd person POV)

The clearing looked kind of orange like, thanks to the fire. Eri was playing around, chasing Apple. Meanwhile Izuku was warming his hands with the fire, it was real cold. You could tell Bakugou was stopping himself from shivering, he didn't want to seem weak. 

Bakugou ripped a piece of his shirt off, it was a small piece so he didn't mind, he then started wiping Izuku's forehead effectively cleaning the almost dried up blood. Izuku thanked him and he ignored his thanks.

(30 minute time skip)

Eri and Apple finished playing, Eri looked tired and she was incredibly hungry, Izuku felt the same. Bakugou looked at them secretly worried. He squinted and saw that Izuku had bags under his eyes, they weren't very noticeable but they were there. Bakugou had forgotten that this had been a hard time for everyone even for the brightest/happiest person here.

Bakugou's stomach growled, the others turned their attention away from What they were doing and looked at him. Bakugou groaned at the sudden attention and looked away .


"I'm not weak ok Deku?!"

"I know you're not I was just gonna ask if you were hungry. I could go look for something if you want-"

"I'm not hungry."

"Oh...alright" Izuku said, knowing Bakugou lied. 

Apple yawned a long yawn and started walking in circles then laid down on her side, Eri walked up to her and laid down on the ground aswell, her head on the dog's stomach as if it were a pillow. Slowly both fell asleep. A sudden cold breeze was felt and Izuku shivered even more, the breeze almost put out the fire.

Bakugou was visibly fighting his sleep, he was leaning on the slim trunk of the tree and his eyes closed for a few seconds then he opened them again, this kept going until Izuku fell asleep. He walked over to Izuku.

"Deku" He whispered

No answer, this was a sign to Bakugou that Izuku was really asleep so he got closer and sat next to him, he looked around and then looked up, some stars were visible through the leaves. Its been a while since he's been able to truly enjoy them.

When this was all over he planned on maybe doing something with Izuku, maybe they could get closer like they were when they were that wouldn't happen he thought to himself I've messed up already. He thought. He looked at Izuku from the corner of his eye and sighed deeply.

Laying down on the grass one foot on the ground the other resting on top of his knee. He used his hands as a pillow and then closed his eyes. It took him a while to fall asleep, most of the time he only had his eyes closed and was deep in thought. What was he thinking about though?

(The chapter made me a little sad ngl)

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