Author's Note

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I wrote with no experience what-so-ever.

I'm re-reading it and I find that it is wayyyy too cringey for my liking. And by looking at some comments and then reading my story again and I found out some stuff which seems kinda sorta . . . stereotypical, I guess you'd call it? And don't even get me started on the grammatical errors. 

So, I've decided that I'll do some brief editing.

And I've been gone so long, because of school and also because I'm super-lazy. bUT, my exams are done and now we have three days off(!) before I have to get started on projects and notes and stuff. The next holiday I'll is sometime during early April, I think. 

Yeah, and now, I have the sense to edit before I publish, so maybe things'll get better.

Warning: I live in India and here. tenth grade is, like, the most important part of life. Your college admissions depend on how this year's grades are and my ninth grade's scores are pretty low, and I really wanna get better and my dad's thinking of shifting to Mumbai for next year (it's not final but there's, like, a 35%-40% chance that we do) so, yeah! Starting from, um early May(?) to February, there'll be maybe 2 or 3 updates?

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