Chapter 6: Vitality of the Forest

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"What are you supposed to be?" Evie shrieked. It wasn't every day she heard birds talking. Sweat ran down her temples like water from a mountaintop. She took a step back.

Ashlynn was fascinated. She jumped up and down and said, "It's a Red-Crowned Crane!"

Amanda was also excited. "A fine specimen of a Red-Crowned Crane, too." She moved her glasses closer to the bridge of her nose.

John retrieved his hat from Mateo. He bowed to the two girls. "I am John Golden, the most notorious crane in all of Pinta Country. I have endured hardships like none other: princes shot with arrows, heroes falling off their horses, mermaids almost drying out... The list goes on."

Ms. Julie laughed. "Sorry, he's a bit of a showoff," she explained.

Mateo rolled his eyes. "You may be friends with the king, John, but it doesn't make you a celebrity. My mom did not have to send you."

"Friends with the king?" Evie perked up. "Hold on, how did you guys meet?"

"Oh, it was wonderful!" John said. He put his hat back on his head. "My friend Mateo here was personally invited–"

However, Mateo clamped his beak shut before he could say anymore. "Why don't you make yourself useful and figure out where the pebble went?" He shot the bird an angry look.

Evie tried to make sense of John's words. She couldn't think too hard because she was still recovering from the pebble's onslaught.

"Aw, why me?" John asked his friend.

"Because you can fly," Mateo annoyedly answered.

"Fine, fine. You need to learn to chillax, dude. You're way too serious for your age," John admitted.

Ms. Julie couldn't help but agree. "Right?" she knowingly said.

John cracked a grin. "Stand back, children, and watch the professional takeoff of John the Red-Crowned Crane!"

The camp crew cleared the stage for him.

John opened his massive wings. A gust of wind rushed through his black wing secondaries. Flapping them, he lifted into the sky. John looked over his shoulder at his audience. "Now this is what I'm talking about! Aren't I wonderful?" Except, he celebrated too soon. John twisted his head, and his beak slammed right into one of the treehouses' trunks. The force of the crash knocked leaves off its branches.

Mateo slapped his hand to his face, but Evie, her friends, and Ms. Julie chuckled.

"I'm okay!" John mumbled. He struggled to free himself. His wings picked up dirt and dust at the treehouse's base. Finally, his beak slipped out of the bark. His eyes knocked together, but he shook out his head. With another flap of his wings, he catapulted toward Paperblank's blanket of trees.

Villagers waved goodbye to him. "See ya later, John," they said.

John also waved. He vanished above the treetops, off on his own mission.


"He was a talking bird," Emrys stammered.

Tate rolled his eyes. "Well duh. This is Pinta Country."

Evie knew it wasn't uncommon for animals to talk, but she was still a bit freaked out.

"I thought he was wonderful," Ashlynn admitted. She glanced at Amanda. "Surely you agree with me, Amanda."

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