Chapter 23 - Eyes

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"The zombie duo have captured the two tailed beast."

"...they will be looking for the Kyuubi in the Land of Fire?"


"Get them to look for the four tailed...." Tobi stood up, his sharingan shining red as he glanced at Pein. "I'll look for the Kyuubi myself."

"Done," Naruto sighed as he kicked the shovel away, embedding it into a tree. He glanced at Satomi's grave, shrugging before sliding on his cloak. "Well then...."

"Time for another bounty hunt, I guess."

Disappearing and appearing on a tree, Naruto adjusted his mask and leaped down.

"Good day, Shigeo-san," he greeted as he entered the bar. 

"O-Oh, Yoneda-san," the bartender stammered, sweat dripping down his face as he tilted his head. "Your eye...."

"Ah, don't mind that," Naruto laughed lightly. 

"H-Hai....anyways, congratulations on turning A rank," Shigeo smiled nervously. "The money is ready, come on in."

"Gah, I need more water," Katsuro grumbled as he smashed his bottle onto the ground. "Get me-"

Before he could finish his sentence, his head was cleanly split into half.

"T-That's the-"

"Yoneda," Naruto grinned cheekily as he slashed the guy's body in half. 

Squatting down, he touched the flesh of the body as the others watched in fear and horror. 

Licking his lips, Naruto stuck his bloodied finger in his mouth before spitting on the ground.

"Disgusting...." he muttered. "Your blood needs improvement......"

"A-Attack him!!!" A man shouted as they all charged forward.

"My, my, how brave," Naruto smiled. "But you're too weak."

Both hands forming different handsigns, electricity sparked on his fingertips of his left hand as two scrolls appeared on his other.

"I'll play with you a little!" Naruto licked his lips as he rolled open the two scrolls, four fireballs launched at them. "Disposal~"

Naruto chuckled at the screams that errupted from the rogue ninjas' throats as they were burnt to their death.

"Hm...let's see...." Naruto scanned the area, spotting a rogue ninja who was trying to run away.

Both of his eyes slowly shifted red. "Oi, you!!! The on who's running!!!"

The ninja paused for a moment to glance at Naruto.

But it was too late.

The world went black.

'That was fun,' Naruto thought as he climbed out of the hot water. 

His finger twitched as his face twisted into a smile. 

'I feel like getting blood all over my hands again.'

He spun around to face the other men in the hotspring. 

(He had a henge on)

'Hm,' he smiled.

"Man, he really does like making a mess..." Tobi muttered as he stood up on the tree branch.

"This will be annoying."

Screams could be heard in the hot springs.


Blood splattered all over the wooden walls.

"W-Why are you doing this!?" The receptionist's lips quivered in fear

"The...." Naruto smiled as he pulled off his hood, his face covered in blood.

The receptionist's lips quivered.

"The clouds...." Naruto squatted down. "...were white today."

The receptionist's eyes widened.

Blood poured onto the ground.

Naruto smiled in satisfaction, seathing his katana.

His finger twitched as he sensed a familiar presence behind him.

"Why hello," Naruto grinned as he turned around to face a man with an orange swirly mask. "Have we met before?"

"Naruto Uzumaki," Tobi said. "It seems you've enjoyed yourself."

"It's nice feeling that thick liquid on your skin. And that metallic taste on the tip of your tongue...." Naruto smiled as he stared at the ceiling. "It's so amazing..."

The blonde sighed as he spun towards the masked man. "And I don't swallow the blood. That's disgusting."

"Oh and!" Naruto grinned as he threw four shuriken at the wooden wall where a drawing of a sharingan was drawn with blood. "How do you like that?"

There was silence.

"Oh, you don't like it?" Naruto asked. "I guessed so...The real thing is better," Naruto smiled, chuckling.

"Would you like to see it?" He slowly turned to the mask man as his eyes shone red.

And they weren't the Kyuubi's eyes.

"You do have the sharingan after all....Uzumaki," Tobi narrowed his eyes.

Naruto only grinned.

(Naruto's left eye is not the sharingan, it's the Kyuubi's eyes as he has absorbed the Kyuubi into him, almost like how Sasuke did to Orochimaru, but slightly diferent.)

(His right eye is normal.)

✔️ Sweet Nightmares (Insane Naruto AU) ✔️Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat