Chapter Eight - Confessions

Start from the beginning

Biggs clambers back up to his perch.

And they depart back to the village.

Nyr - "That went fairly well. You're definitely better than the average rookie. Though, our teamwork could use some improvement.."

Syr - "I'm not used to fighting in a team.."

Nyr - "Can't say I am either. But there you go again, saying things you shouldn't remember..!"

Syr - "I- Eghhh.."

Syr raises her hand to her head in pained thought.

Nyr - "Woah, easy there..! It's okay, there's no need to stress yourself again.."

She rubs Syr's shoulders tenderly which calms her down and dispels the thought from her mind.

Though, she makes no indication for Nyr to stop..

Making their way back towards the village, they spot a peculiar object sticking out of the dirt, not belonging to the natural forest.

Syr - "Woah.. What's that..?"

Nyr - "A big sword..?!"

Syr - "It's massive..! ..Check me out!"

She runs up to the tall metallic post sticking out of the ground, signs of wear from being in the elements beginning to take over its finish.

Placing her hands around the hilt she poses as if resting after a tough battle, her expression softening to a curious gaze towards Nyr, clearly trying to impress and clearly having the desired effect.

Nyr ~ H-How can one person look so.. cool..

Nyr - "H-Hey, get away from that thing! It's dangerous..!"

Syr - "Wah?! How's it dangerous..?! I'm just looking!"

Nyr ~ But it might give me a nosebleed..!

Nyr - "Y-You might trip and cut yourself and get tetanus or something..!"

Syr - "..You are ridiculous..!!"

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The pair arrive back in the village where more people are out and about, scurrying around working on various fix-up jobs even at this hour.

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