I was fuming how dare daddy do that, "Good morning Emily is daddy in yet?" She checks her computer.

"Yes he is would you like me to phone his secretary for you ma'am?"

"There's no need I'll go see him now".

I take the elevator to daddy's floor and walk into his reception area. "Is daddy free?" I ask his open mouthed secretary. She stares at me and nods her head too shock to speak.

I walk into daddy's office he was busy at his desk. He was looking over some papers,"Morning daddy".

He looks up at my voice, "Morning sweetie and I see your royal protection officers are guarding the door".

I walk over to his desk and sit down in the chair opposite him, "Emily said you sent round an email saying everyone is to call me ma'am".

My father leans back in his chair and surveys me, "Darling you're my daughter. My flesh and blood but even I once you're married must bow to you in public".

I open my mouth to say something then close it. I never thought how my being a princess would impact on my family. I mean I have but you don't think daddy will need to bow to me. What he just said does make sense though. Whenever he has come to dinner at the palace. He has had to bow to Debbie, the king, Antonio, and William".

"When we're in private don't bow to me okay".

"The palace has sent me an email of how I'm to behave towards you in public both now and when you're married. Protocol must still be adhered to and you're to be address as ma'am by everyone you meet".

I was in shock I take a deep breath and try to calm myself, "Why would the palace send you that. And why would William not tell me about this?"

"The email was from the king's private secretary Eva Not William".

"I don't understand why didn't they say anything to me about it?"

Dad takes his glasses off and puts it on the desk. Then he rest his hands on the desk and looks at me, "Eva the royal family is centre around the king and his heir. Think of it this way I'm CEO of this company you're my daughter. I don't get or need your approval about every decision I make for the company do I?"

"No but it was about me I need to know about it".

"Have you check your emails today?"

I shake my head at my father and open my emails. There was a email from the palace. They forward to me what they sent to daddy and explained the reason for the email.

"They've sent me an email about it but a call would have been better".

My father walks around his desk and sits on it his brown eyes were fixed on me.

"You're too stubborn Eva and if you don't change your thinking this marriage you're going into won't last. The institute of monarchy was there before you and will be there after you. As I said before the king and his heirs will ALWAYS be the stars of the show".

"I'm not trying to be the star of the show daddy".

He looks at me sadly, "I know sweetie but you're still making it about what you want. Everything must go your way".

"That's not true".

"I'm afraid it is when you started dating that boy my first thought was of the racism you will suffer. Let's face facts Debbie is light skin and her children are white looking. I feared for the racist abuse that would come your way when everything was in the open about who you were dating. If Debbie as a light skin black woman gets racist abuse I knew it would be worse for you being fully black. Then I saw how William loved you and protected you. His father knew he liked you for years and had no issues with you both dating. I got excited my baby get to have her happy ending and maybe even become a princess. Then I saw other monarchies take the HRH from the children of non direct heirs. I wondered since William wasn't a direct heir if his role would be downgraded".

"I don't care if it is".

"You need to because as of right now Alexsander has a son and a daughter. A spare and an heir he doesn't need William or his brother. Yet being the good man that he is he makes sure his brother and his family is at the heart of the monarchy. You and William will get your own court and palace that's unheard of but yet the king did it. When his son and Debbie's children are adults you and William's roles will be diminished. To what the old cousins are now to the monarchy. Your children will hopefully have an HRH and will be able to help their cousins with their duties. You're going to be the first full black princess of any European monarchy. The eyes of the world will be watching your every move".

"What are you saying daddy?"

"I'm saying you've been given a wonderful opportunity and your attitude will cost you the love of your life. Do you think if I tell my staff to do something. I expect them to confront me by asking me why I want them to do it. Instead of them actually doing what I ask of them?"

"Of course not that's career suicide".

"I'm not saying you can't ask questions but darling you're not running the show here".

The Lonely Prince(BWMN)Book 3 of The House Of Jensen Series)Where stories live. Discover now