Chapter 10: Battling Muscular! Time to go Plus Ultra!

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Izuku powered up to Full Cowling 50% and prepared to attack Muscular with a Detroit Smash, but when he did, Muscular just simply blocked it with his arms, which were covered in thick muscle fiber.

Izuku stepped back as he tried to formulate a plan on how to attack the muscle head.

Momo, meanwhile, created an explosive arrows, to help tear through the fibers.

Momo: Zuzu!

Izuku looked back and at that moment Muscular made his. Izuku, being aware of this due to Bloodhound, put his arms into an X shape.

The impact was so powerful that it sent Izuku flying into the nearby mountains.

Momo: Izu!

Muscular: Now it's time to deal with the wallflower!!!

Izuku used the terrain to his advantage as he used the mountain to accelerate towards Muscular. He successfully landed a Detroit Smash. Muscular was sent off into the depth of the tress in the forest as Izuku ran to Momo.

Izuku: What were you going to say, B-Babe?

Momo's mind: He called me babe! I feel so happy! I want to bear his children. His little pups!

Momo: Did you just call me babe?

Izuku nodded shyly as Momo smiled coyly.

Momo: Y'know Izuku. After all of this is done maybe you and I can make love again. I miss you inside me. I want to feel your thick dick inside my pussy and your hot, delicious, sticky cum all over my body. Fill me up everywhere when this is all said and done okay!

Izuku, slowly nodded in shock as he couldn't believe that Momo wanted HIM to get HER pregnant.

They smiled at each other with pure affection in mind(you couldn't see Izuku's due to the mask). They both heard the quick and heavy steps as it soon started trembling for a bit. When Muscular came back, they were happy to discover Muscular's weakness.

Muscular seemed to have not noticed the tree branch that was caught between some of his muscle as he donned an angry expression.

Muscular: So, you wanna be hero, kid? Well, whoop de do. You get to DIE as one!!!

Izuku was a out to fight back when his darling wife stopped him.

Momo: Izuku, take this! I made an explosive arrows to rip away the muscle fibers!

Izuku took off his mask as pulled her in for a kiss, so passionate and filled with love she felt herself nearly melt away and moaned.

When he broke the kiss, Momo was still in her daze, when Izuku began to talk.

Izuku: This is why I love you so much. Be right back, my love!

He then put the mask back on as Momo out on her determined face.

Momo's mind: I will impress my cinnamon roll to the fullest extent! I will happily show him everything I've got!

Izuku was dodging punches from Muscular as Izuku had the arrow aimed and at the ready. Momo created a laser cannon. As she yelled at Muscular to get his attention.

Momo: Hey, asshole!

Muscular looked and was shot by a ray of energy, giving Izuku enough time to shoot the arrow. Then arrow, now lodged in Muscular's arm blew up as Muscular growled and yelled in rage.

He then caught Izuku in midair by the head and began crushing it, breaking the mask in the process.


His Protector(Badass Izuku x Yandere Momo)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя