Chapter 5: Visting Tartarus Prison

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After the USJ incident, All Might, Aizawa, Izuku and Momo were on their way to Tartarus Prison.


Aizawa was currently teaching his final class and when the bell rang nearly everyone left except Izuku and Momo. Aizawa told Izuku to stay and being the yandere that she is decided to stay with him.

Soon, All Might and Present Mic came into the room as well. They were prepared to have a serious discussion.

Aizawa: Midoriya, you were in Special Forces, correct?

Izuku: That's right sir.

Aizawa: Tell All Might EVERYTHING you know about Shigaraki.

After Izuku explained every detail to All Might, he felt shock.

AM: My master's grandson? I cannot believe it. Why would he become a villain?

Izuku: We believe it's because of neglect and abuse. His father abused him and he felt neglected because of the way he acted.

AM: It's still very terrible.

Aizawa: Nezu stated that we'll be visiting Tartarus Prison in a few days. All Might, you can probably ask him why he ruin his grandmother's legacy.

-Flashback end-

They all set foot on the island and they walked in. Momo clutched onto Izuku with fear as he calmed her down.

As soon as they walked in, they heard the sounds of the rowdy inmates. Some of which of were going Momo. Momo only clutched onto Izuku even tighter. Soon, they came face to face to the cell they were looking for and were given authorization to enter.

Shigaraki was just looking down with chains holding him captive and quirk cancelling gauntlets instead of cuffs. He then looked up and smiled wickedly.

Shigaraki: Well, well, well. Look who it is. All Might, Eraserhead and Present Mic. Oh, if it isn't the soldier and his girlfriend. What . . .are. . .the odds? What do you want from me?

AM: How could you ruin grandmother's legacy?

Shigaraki: You really wanna know, huh? It's because of you and heroes in general. Ever since my granny met you, she never spent any time with me anymore. Feeling distraught, I talked to my dog.

All of them knew this wasn't going be well. Luckily, Mic brought that up.

Mic: This isn't going to end well is it?


Shigaraki: That's when it happened. When I unlocked my quirk. In tears, I hugged my dog and when I touched his fur, he slowly disintegrated. Without knowing then, one of the two people who ever cared for me was scared of me. My sister. She saw the whole thing play out. She ran back to the house. Well tried to anyway. When I grabbed her wrist, my quirk took effect. Killing her too.

They didn't expect to see him do something they never expected. He shedded small tears. He shook them off and continued.

Shigaraki: When my granny, mom, and father came back, they saw the remains. My Mom hugged but I didn't hug back despite me being tempted to out of love. My dad walked up to us and pushed Mom off me. In a fit of rage, he slapped me square in the face. Mom and Granny were shocked and tried to calm him down.

Izuku was listening attentively. He . . .felt bad for him. It was like deja vu. He then started to question himself.

Izuku's mind: My God, is this how I would've ended up if I was deep in anger?

He then continued once more.

Shigaraki: I thought to myself "I have had enough". So I fought back in rage. I utilized my quirk one more time. I destroyed the house and everyone and everything in it. I was only a child then. I ran away from the scene. I visited their graves ever since, asking for forgiveness. As a teenager, I went less and less. And when I was being mocked by a couple of guys, I killed them without mercy and you know what, I soon got a thrill out of killing and ever since, became a villain. I was taught by the greatest villain ever, but I'll never tell his name.

Aizawa: You should feel ashamed and regret that you ever took their lives!

Shigaraki: I should. But I don't. I've been hurt far too many times to even care anymore. You can either conquer or be conquered. Violence begets violence, Eraserhead.

Izuku then spoke.

Izuku: I was in the same boat as you Shigaraki. Bullied for not having a quirk after four. I was a late bloomer, hadn't gotten my quirk until I was twelve. My father left before I was born and my mother died in an accident. There was a bomb implanted somewhere in the house. When my mother opened it, it might have triggered the bomb. Soon after, I was taken in and raised by Special Forces.

Shigaraki looked up at this and laughed.

Shigaraki: Wow! That weak little plan actually worked?! That is ridiculously dumb.

Izuku then connected the pieces. The League of Villains were the ones who planted the bomb. With a mighty roar, he was about to punch Shigaraki until Momo hugged him from behind.

Momo: Izuku, don't do it, Honey. He's not worth it.

Izuku took a deep sigh as he replied.

Izuku: You're right, Baby. He isn't worth it at all. Shigaraki, who is Kurogiri. I know Kurogiri is a Nomu. Who did you kidnap?

Shigaraki: You'll be surprised. He's a former UA student. Master said he was a friend of yours, Eraserhead and Mic. Some by the name of. . Shirakumo.

The pros were not expecting such a plot twist from him.

Mic was in shock. They both thought Shirakumo had died. They didn't know that he was held prisoner and turned into one of those Nomus.

Mic's Mind: He must have gone through so much pain. I'm sorry, Shira. We're sorry.

Aizawa's hair floated up as he began give a of flurry of punches to Shigaraki. He then grabbed the collar and shook him

Aizawa: WHO. . . IS. . . YOUR. . . MASTER?!

Mic: Eraser, calm the F down!

Shigaraki: It. . . doesn't matter! Master will be back, stronger than ever Eraserhead. He will be so happy to see you again, All Might.

All Might immediately sweated in fear. He as well as the other pro heroes knew who it was. But Izuku and Momo didn't. It brought fear to them.

They all left the prison soon enough. Momo was comforting Izuku. She placed his head on her lap as she felt his hair. Knowing that they met of the face of the man who created such chaos and emotional trauma was enough for one day.

Pro Heroes' Mind: How? How is he alive? . . . . . .How is All For One still here?

End of Chapter

(A/N: I really took this long to update my stories, huh? Well no bother, Every day is a step closer to summer, which I am really excited for. Thanks for reading you guys and I'll see you in the next chapter.

Spoiler warning: Izuku gets One for All )

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