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The drive to the airport was long, I'm upset about leaving the Shroods but I'm more excited to be home. I can't wait to see my parents and my friends again. I know my mom and dad, mostly my dad, have been very worried about me since I was taken to England. I know the Shroods aren't very excited to see me leave, it's been such a short period of time yet we all feel quite close to each other. Even me, who has a whole family, friend group, and life in America, is kind of sad to leave. Tommy is like a brother to me, or what I think a brother is like. And Mr. and Mrs. Shrood were so nice and caring, they could be like an aunt and uncle, maybe even parents.

I don't have much things to take home, only my suit and some changes of clothes I was given. Going through security took longer than usual, the lack of luggage must have caught their attention. But now, we are waiting for my plane to leave. I'm sat between Tommy and Mr. Shrood, with Mrs. Shrood next to Mr. Shrood. There are only about 20 minutes before we can board, at least that's what they told us.

My leg pumps up and down anxiously, although I know I can be ignorant sometimes, and sometimes I am too confident, I'm not feeling anything like that today. I think it's because I'm scared to go on the plane but I just feel off. I hope I feel better by the time I get off of the plane, because I am supposed to see my friends sometime afterwards and I think I'd rather die than see them. Especially Leah. I'm still mad at her for upsetting Tommy, but I'll have to forgive her eventually. I don't want to ruin our friendship.

"Flight A-69 will be boarding in 5 minutes" A lady said over a speaker. People around us, who are also boarding the plane, start gathering their stuff up. They put away any snacks, like microwaved chicken nuggets in a zip-locked bag that were microwaved last night, or things they had out while waiting. I look to my left, at Tommy. He looks at me with a sad face.

"I actually think I'm going to miss you, Clementine." He said quietly. I smile a sad smile, yes I'm excited, but like I said, I'm also sad.

"I'll miss you too, Tommy. But think about it, we have each other's contacts and stuff, we are still going to be able to talk to each other." He nods at my response. He opens his phone and opens the camera app. He has the camera held low and he looks down at it.

"Look at the camera, stupid bitch."

I smile a little and look down at the camera. He takes a picture of us normally and then makes a weird face. I copy his face and again, he takes a picture. I take out my phone and open the camera app. I make him take a normal one with me, one where he isn't making a weird face or anything.

I think we are done with the cameras and pictures but then I hear Tommy's voice, "I'm at the airport with this dickhead." He turns his phone camera towards me. He makes a grossed out ace at the camera and turns it back on his face. I hear him mutter something under his breath to the camera.

"Are you talking about me again?" I ask, jokingly.

"NO! No, no , why would you think that?" He exclaims, before whispering a short, "stupid Americans, such wankers."

I was going to respond but his mom got there first. "Tom! What did you just say?"

Tommy's eyes go big and he presses his lips together, forming a funny, guilty frown. "Nothing! Nothing you need to hear."

She opened her mouth to say something again but was interrupted by the loud speaker, "Flight A-69 is now boarding."

I stand up and so does Tommy and his parents. His mom wraps me in a huge, she's a good hugger. Then Mr. Shrood does the same, except it's a lot more awkward. Lastly, I gave Tommy a hug. We say out final goodbyes and I start walking towards the gates.

A/n: 699 words

Story of Clementine-A Tommyinnit storyWhere stories live. Discover now