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I'm so super duper happy! Leah sent me a text!

Leah> I'm sorry about getting mad and lying to the group can we be friends again? 🥺

Clementine> I accept your apology!

Now we are back to being besties and are currently on facetime!

"So where in England are you?" She asks as I walk into the kitchen.

Tommy is in there, grabbing a bowl of cereal. I think he'd really like fruit loops but they don't have them here.

"I'm in  Nortifinshamville." I open the cupboards, looking for some snacks, "It's a small town."

Tommy looks up from his cereal, "Hey."

"Hi, Tommy!"

Leah looks up into her camera and scrunches her nose, "Who's Tommy?"

He glances back up at me.

"Tommy lives in the house I'm in."

"Can I see?" She asks.

I think it's a bit weird but I turn my phone towards Tommy and he looks up at the phone. He looks between me and Leah.

"Uh-H-hey." He says awkwardly.

"Hi!!! I'm Leah!" Leah smiles through the phone, dragging out her name.

"Hi. I'm Tom."

"Clementine, can I talk to Tom?" Confused, I glance at Tommy. I've never been good at reading faces or emotions, he looks at me blankly.

"Oh, um...sure..." I hand Tommy the phone and he glances between me and the phone, "I'm going to go to the bathroom, I'll be right back."

Tommy's Point Of View

"Clementine, Can I talk to Tom?"

Why does she want to talk to me? I look at Clementine, praying she can tell I want her to say no.

"Oh, um...sure..." Clementine says slowly.

She gives the phone to me. What the fuck. I look between Clementine, who is standing there looking a bit confused and Leah, who is smiling through the screen.

"I'm going to go to the bathroom, I'll be right back." and Clementine leaves. No no no no! Come back! Shit why would you leave me here? Fuck!

"So..."  Leah mumbled. I set the phone against my cup and go back to my cereal.

"How old are you?" She's still smiling a little and she's pretty energetic.

"I am 16." I state, taking another mouthful.

"So am I!" She gasps, running her brown hair through her hands. "So what do you like to do?"

"I like playing games with my friends." God, this is so awkward!

"Games? What types of games." Her voice keeps getting higher as she talks. Am I really about to tell this girl I spend most of my time playing Minecraft? She looks like the type of girl who would bully me. But I say it anyway.

"We play video games...like Minecraft." She pulls a face. I was right, wasn't I? Quickly, she changes her face back to it's giggly state.

"Minecraft? Isn't that a game for babies?!" She squeals, "You should teach me sometime."

Truthfully, I don't want to talk to this girl any longer than I have to so teaching her how to play Minecraft would be miserable.

"oh I- um-" Finally Clementine walks out of the bathroom.

"I'm back, Leah!" She chimes in.

"Hey Clementine! Tommy was just telling me about how he wants to play Minecraft with me!"

"Yeah....." I look at Clementine, hoping she can see my pleading face.

"Really? When are you guys gonna play together?" Why is she so blind?

"Tommy, why don't we do it now?" Leah says.

"Sorry, I actually... I uh I told my friends I would talk to them." I stumble over my words.

"Can I meet them? I love making guy friends!" Why can't she just talk to Clementine?

I don't see a way of getting out of this.

Story of Clementine-A Tommyinnit storyWhere stories live. Discover now