94. Too Many Goodbyes

Start from the beginning

I cry just that little bit harder knowing he was never buried but at least there was something to remember him by, I use my wand to lay some flowers for him when I hear someone behind me.

"We decided that he should have a grave here as well as the others." I turn around and see Kingsley standing there.

"Thank you, it's appreciated, I now have somewhere to come and talk to him." I say with a small smile.

"Your welcome, I should get going now, have some important meetings to go to." Kingsley says, before walking off.

I see Fred standing at the edge of the graveyard by himself, and he walks over to me as I sit staring at my fathers grave.

"He would be so proud of you and Harry, you are so brave." Fred says, sitting next to me and holding my right hand in his.

"I miss him so much, it's two years in a few weeks and not a day goes by where I don't miss him." I say leaning my head on Fred.

"I know, we should go to the hospital to visit Sirius and we can then go home and see those beautiful girls of ours." Fred says and I nod my head in agreement.

We apparate to the hospital and walk into the room, that Sirius is in and see the Healers in there checking up on him.

"How's he doing?" Fred asks, as we continue to stand.

"He is doing well, he weighs just under four pounds now, his lungs have matured and he has a strong heart beat and his motor functions are doing well now." The Healer says, and we look into the incubator as see Sirius still covered in wires but not as many. "You can hold him now."

"Really?" I ask, and it puts me in a better mood.

"Yeah, he is stable enough and I think it will do you both the world of good." The Healer says, I sit down on the chair closest to the incubator and Sirius is placed into my arms and a smile takes hold of my face.

"He is so tiny, I mean the girls were this size when they were born but you still had a lot of time left." I say, as Sirius looks up to me with blue eyes which all babies are born with.

"He is adorable." Fred says, looking down and smiling at Sirius before looking up at me.

"He really is, I can't wait until we can take him home." I say, looking between Fred and Sirius.

"I would say you have about another month until you can take him home." The Healer says, writing down notes on the chart that was attached to the incubator.

"I'm already counting down the days." I say with a grin.

"We all are." Fred says with a smile, before the Healer leaves the room.

"I love you all so much, yes I do." I say looking down at the baby in my arms, even with all the wires around him he still looks adorable

"Shall I get the girls so they can see him?" Fred asks, taking my attention from the baby in my arms.

"No - no, I love them but they might climb over everything and it's not worth the trouble." I say, with a slight sad face with a wave of tiredness falling over me.

Before I Go - Fred Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now