92. The Final battle

Start from the beginning

"I won't permit it! The boys yes, but you, you've got to go home!" Molly shouts at Ginny looking up at me, looking back at Ginny and taking a double glance and Fred and the other looks up, and I walk over to Fred who doesn't look happy with me.

"You need to go." Fred tells me.

"No, you can't make me and don't do that little trick again" I tell him folding my arms around my chest. "Don't you dare tell me what to do, Thea and Lyra are fine!"

As Molly continues to have an argument with Molly with the Bill and George contributing to the argument.

"I can't go home!" Ginny shouts, with tears spilling from her eyes clearly from anger. "My whole family's here, I can't stand waiting there alone and not knowing and..."

"You won't be alone, y/n will be going back with you." Fred says, gripping my arm firmly.

"No, I am not, I don't want to fight I want to help heal the injured, I couldn't sit back and watch this go on!" I say and before anyone can respond, there was banging and thumping from the tunnel that I had previously walked though and Percy tumbles out with his glasses wonky on his face.

"Am I too late? Has it started, I only just found out, so I - I - " Percy says and the group goes silent, I'm guessing Percy didn't think he would be bumping straight into his family.

"So 'ow ezz lettle Teddy?" Fleur asks uncle Remus, breaking the icy silence that fell over the family.

"I oh yes, he is fine. Yes, Tonks is with him at her mothers, where you young lady are meant to be." Uncle Remus says, looking at me and I put my head down in slight embarrassment.

The silence between with the family and Percy is astronomical, I feel so tense and many, many emotions right now before uncle Remus continued talking to Fleur as I realised that Harry was standing next to them.

"Here, I've got a picture." Uncle Remus says, showing them a photo of Teddy who is absolutely adorable and is also a metamorphmagus and he had blue hair earlier when I saw him.

We stood in awkward silence until a voice cut it off.

"I was a fool!" Percy shouts, and in the corner of my eye I see that uncle Remus almost drop the photo of Teddy. "I was and idiot, I was a pompous prat, I was a - a - "

"Ministry-loving, family-disowning, power-hungry moron." Fred interrupts him.

Percy swallows before talking again. "Yes, I was!"

"Well, you can't get fairer than that." Fred says, holding his hand out to Percy as Molly begins sobbing and pushes Fred out the way, before Fred grabs my arm and pulls me away from the group.

"You need to go back, y/n I can't see anything happen to you or the baby." Fred tells me, and instead of arguing I pull him into a tight hug.

"I'm not going, and I'm fine with the risk I'm taking you didn't give me a choice and I'm not giving you one either." I say, before walking back to where the rest of the Weasleys excluding Charlie were standing.

"What made you see sense Perce?" George asks rather curiously.

"It's been coming on for a while now. But I had to find a way out and it's not that easy at the Ministry, they're imprisoning traitors all the time. I managed to make contact with Aberforth and he tipped me off ten minutes ago that Hogwarts was going to make a fight of it, so here I am." Percy says, as tearful as Molly currently is.

"Well, we do look to our prefects to take a lead at times such as these." George says with a polite manner. "Now let's go upstairs and fight or all the good death Eaters will be taken!"

Before I Go - Fred Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now