87. The Weasley Twins first birthday

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"That could be years!" Fred says and I just laugh at him.

"I don't think so, if not in two years time we can have this same discussion and then decide if we want more." I tell Fred and he nods his head at me. "Thank you, I love Thea and Lyra but they can be little handfuls and I don't think we are ready for more yet."

"Now you put it like that I get it, and the night feeds maybe not." Fred says with a small laugh, and there's a soft knock on the door. "Yeah, come in."

The door opens and George walks in, and gets into bed with us.

"You okay there, George?" Fred asks.

"I'm bored and lonely." George says.

"How can we help you?" I ask George.

"I want a group hug, like we used to do in second and third year then you two got too clingy for forth year." George says.

"And I'm in the middle like I used to be as well." I say with a smile. "It's weird how all this came about from me becoming friends with you two."

"I don't know how we became friends with you." George says. "You were a little annoying them but somehow it's got worse as you've got older."

"Is that because I stole your twin?" I ask George, and he nods his head. "I mean you can have him back if you want."

"Oi." Fred says, from the other side of me.

"I'll happily except him." George says with a smile.

"You can't return me now, I'm the only one who knows what you like, see no one else would know that you like - " Fred begins saying, before I shut him up.

"No you can't tell George things like that." I say, with disgust on my face.

"Oh believe me, I already know." George says with a grin and just fold my arms and stare up at the ceiling ignoring the pair of them, as they continue their conversation.

"It's not that bad." Fred says.

"It is, I haven't been able to see my girlfriend for two months now and you two have always been joined at the hip since what third year?" George says.

"I thought she said she was going to come and stay for a few weeks." I say to George, still looking up at the ceiling.

"Yeah, next week she'll be here but I just miss her." George says.

"I know, at least you'll be able to see her and how long is she staying for?" Fred asks his twin.

"She isn't one hundred percent sure yet, but at least three weeks at the moment." George replies.

We all continue to talk and for one moment it doesn't feel like we are in the middle of a war with our lives being turned upside down. Eventually I fall asleep as the twins continue to talk to each other.

As I wake up in the morning, I notice that the bed is empty and I see the clock saying ten forty-one, wow I really slept in this morning. I walk down the stairs and see the ready of the family sitting there talking.

"Morning, sleepy head." George calls from the living room as he holds Thea in his arms.

"Good morning, everyone." I say, walking over to everyone with Lyra sitting with Arthur.

"Sleep well, love?" Fred asks, as I take a seat next to him.

"Yeah, I did, thank you." I say, leaning my head on him.

"I'm surprised you didn't wake up with the girls this morning." Fred says, wrapping an arm around me.

"Me too, clearly needed sleep; I just feel tired all the time it's not right." I say, sighing lightly.

Before I Go - Fred Weasley x ReaderWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu