"Yeah, give me a sec." I say, pulling away from the hug and then going through the bag, chucking Fred some of his clothes.

"Thanks love," Fred whispers, before walking out of the room and to the bathroom.

George, Jack and Melody all return with pillows and duvets from the various rooms and now we were deciding who was sleeping where.

"Fred and I will sleep next to the babies, just in case they wake up." I tell the group, getting our bed for the night ready.

Once I finished getting the bed ready, Fred walks in changed from his suit and comes and lays down with me; and we snuggle up. We lay there looking at the babies when George lays on the other side of Fred, we don't question it we just let him lay there.

"They look so peaceful." Fred says softly.

"They do, I'm glad they don't know what is going on around them." I say sadly, I don't want my daughters to be brought up in the middle of a war.

"Me too, they are going to be just fine." Fred whispers in my ear, before placing a kiss on my cheek which gives me some form of comfort. "We all are."

"I love you." I say to Fred, as a wraps his arms around me.

"I love you too." Fred and George say to me at the same time, causing us three to giggle slightly.

Everyone in the room eventually falls asleep and, when I woke up it felt like I had no sleep.

"Yes, yes - mummy is up." I say to the babies next to me, who were crying.

"So are the rest of us." Melody mumbles from across the room.

"Sorry, where have those three gone?" I say gesturing where Harry, Hermione and Ron were sleeping, I then heard shouting from the kitchen. "Never mind, I found them."

"I'm up." Fred says, picking up one of the babies and I do the same.

"So what's the plan then?" I ask Fred. "Where are we going to stay?"

"Dad said to stay here for a few days, and once everything has calmed down we can go back to the Burrow, its not safe enough to go back to the flat." Fred says, as I wave my wand to make the bottles.

"Where are you two going to stay?" I ask Melody and Jack, who still looked half asleep.

"We are going to go back to my mums, probably safer than our flat as we have protections around mums." Jack says, as Fred and I feed the babies and George continues to snore.

"I swear George could literally sleep through a war." I say, as Lyra quickly drinks the milk in her bottle.

"He literally is, I think with all the struggling to sleep last night; I honestly do not blame him, I wish I was still asleep right now." Fred tells me.

"Agreed." Melody, Jack and I say in unison.

"We are going to need to get food, otherwise we are going to starve." Melody says.

"I know, but how?" I question.

"We will have to go to a muggle shop, well two of us will. I have muggle money so Jack and I could go to the muggle shop?" Melody suggests.

"Yeah if you both want to, but take your wands." I say to Jack and Melody.

"Of course, we are going to, we aren't stupid." Jack replies.

"Well..." Fred begins saying, as Lyra is almost finished with her bottle.

"Don't start now," I say, before I can hear the talking from down the stairs again. "I wonder what's going on there then."

Before I Go - Fred Weasley x ReaderWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt