84. The Wedding of Bill and Fleur

Start from the beginning

"Okay, hurry up though." I tell him, walking into the bathroom and turning the shower on, getting out of my clothes as Fred quickly opens the door walking in and locking the door behind him.

"You're so beautiful." Fred tells me, as I get in the shower and he takes off his own clothes.

"You are very handsome yourself." I say, with a smile as he joins me in the shower.

"Could you pass me the shampoo, please?" Fred asks me and I hand it to him, before turning my back on him and he begins to wash my hair, which relaxes me.

"I'm going to fall asleep, if you keep doing that." I tell him.

"You love me doing this." Fred says. "It's one of the only things you asked me to do when we brought Thea and Lyra home to the flat and you knew you were going to struggle wash, so you asked me to wash your hair for you."

"I do love you washing my hair, it's relaxing." I tell him.

"I know." Fred says.

We stand in a peaceful silence as Fred washes my hair, before I try and wash his but I'm too small.

"It adorable to see you try and wash my hair." Fred says, and I laugh.

"I know, I'm tiny aren't I?" I say and he nods, washing his own hair as I shave and wash my body.

We finish the shower, and I try my hair with a flick of my wand and we get into our pyjamas, before walking down the stairs, with everyone chatting away. I sit next to Fred as we all talk for a bit before everyone makes their way up to bed with Molly and Arthur sleeping down in the living room.

I snuggle up in the small bed with Fred as George sleeps on the other bed. We quickly fall asleep, being woken up by the girls in the morning, we walk down the stairs and see Harry.

"Happy birthday!" Fred and I say in unison.

"Thank you." Harry tells us.

"Your birthday presents from us and the girls are in that massive pile there and the cards should be on the top." I say with a smile, and he smiles back, looking down at Lyra who was in my arms. "Do you want a cuddle with her?"

"Sure." Harry says and I hand her to him, and she starts babbling and laughing away trying to grab his glasses.

"She loves her uncle Harry." I say, tying my hair up.

"Y/n, George and I are off to work now, I'll see you later." Fred says, placing a kiss on my cheek, a kiss on Lyra's head and Thea's head as he hands her to Ron.

"I'll see you later, I love you." I say to Fred.

"I love you too." Fred tells me, before him and George walk out of the door.

We sit talking, with Fleur's parents as the babies get cuddles with everyone.

"So Remus, Tonks and Hagrid are coming for dinner?" I ask Molly and she nods as she begins making the birthday cake for Harry.

Harry begins opening his present, going to hun wrap the ones that the rest of the group gave him.

"Err- Harry I would leave those ones until later - they're a bit to mature and Molly wouldn't want to see all of that." I tell him and he laughs before putting them to one side.

Harry opens the present that Fred, Thea and Lyra got for him which was some of the new inventions from the joke shop and some potions as I know at some point him Ron and Hermione are going off to do something and they will need them.

"Thank you." Harry says, pulling me into a hug.

"It's okay - also if you ever need to use Grimmuald place you always can." I tell him and he gives me a thankful smile.

Before I Go - Fred Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now