The Return (Part 1)

Start from the beginning

"Well, see, I'm no ordinary person. Wanna see something cool?" he asked, getting back on his feet. Y/n nodded her head and Peter started to hover over the ground. He flew a few inches above the ground with his arms straight out his sides before coming back down. Y/n was amazed. She had never seen anything like that before, and it wasn't just some silly illusion this time.

"How did you do that?" she asked excitedly. Peter knelt back on his knee to be eye level with her again.

"With magic. I could teach you someday if you'd like." Y/n nodded her head. "You have to tell me your name first, love."


"Well well, what a pretty name for a pretty little girl isn't it?" Peter said smiling. Y/n giggled slightly. "Do you know why your here Y/n?" She shook her head. Peter didn't know how a little girl like her could have ended up on the island. "If you don't mind telling me, what is your life like at home?"

She thought a minute before answering. She had the feeling that she could trust this boy, so she did. "Well, I go to school every day and I come home and mommy and daddy are probably fighting. They fight a lot. I have to make my own dinner because they forget a lot and I have to wake myself up in the morning to catch the bus. They never tell me they love me and they tend to forget about me. They've left me in the grocery store more times than I can count. If I need something from the store, they just give me the money and tell me to get it myself. I got used to walking around town alone. Once you get over all the stares from people, it's not so bad. I had to teach myself how to take care of myself and how to have self-control. Not many people my age know how to do that..." she trailed off.

"How old are you?" he asked.

"I'm six," she answered.

Peter's heart broke. He couldn't believe that this little girl, only 6 years old, felt so lost and unloved that she was brought here. She was far too young to have to go through any of that. One thing that he knew at that moment, he was going to make this girl feel more loved here than she ever has.

"Alright, hey, you are going to be here for a while. Should I introduce you to the rest of the group?" he asked her, ready to find her a home.

She nodded and stood up. "How long am I going to be here Peter," she asked, her little kid's pronunciation making it sound like Petuh which made him smile.

"I'm not sure," he answered softly, taking her hand into his again.

Her face grew sad. "Will I get to see my mommy and daddy again?"

Peters's heart broke again. After everything she had been through, she still loved her parents. He didn't want to lie to her and tell her she would see them soon, but he couldn't stand to see her sad. "Yes, of course. You will get to see them again someday."

"Promise?" she asked, holding out her tiny pinky while a tear fell down her face. He latched his pinky with hers and wiped away her tear with the other hand. 

"I promise." He also promised himself that he would never let her be sad again while she was here with him. He didn't want to see any more of those tears that hurt him so much. And he promised that nobody would ever hurt this little girl again.

He managed to keep his promise. She introduced her to all the lost boys and explained her situation to them in private. They all loved her and promised to make her feel like she belonged here. The boys loved playing with her. Turns out having a little child around brought out their playful sides. Y/n loved playing with the boys too. She wasn't the kind of girl who cried whenever she fell. She was tougher than most her age and not scared at all to get her hands dirty, which made things more fun for everybody.

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