"Izuku is now in a coma, due to the amount of blood he lost and the size of the wound in his chest. He was lucky that we got to him as fast as we did, any later he would have died. He's also alive thanks to Kurama, he helped with his regenerative abilities as much as possible before Izuku passed out"

Itachi then asked how long he would be in a coma, to which Orochimaru said that they didn't know, that only time could tell. Everyone besides Madara was mentality exhausted and went to their rooms to sleep. Madara had decided to stay with Toga and look over her for the time being.

It was the morning after when Toga had finally woken up, she saw Madara sitting in front of her reading a book. Before she could even ask her questions he stopped her by lifting up his hand, signifying her to stop. He then put his book down before he proceeded to tell her yesterday's events.

She was happy that Izuku was finally stable and not on death's door, but felt bad due to him being in a coma. After hearing what he said, she stood up without saying much and left for the medical bay to see Izuku's condition.

When she entered the room she saw him lying on the bed in a comatose state, connected to god knows how many machines. The only thing she knew was that they were keeping him alive and stable.

The closer she got, the better she could see his condition, and the only way she could react was to start tearing up again. She broke down again the moment she arrived beside his bed, while holding his unresponsive hand she sobbed out things like 'I'm sorry', 'It's all my fault' and 'If only I was stronger'.

She kissed him on his hand before kissing him on the forehead, after that she whipped away her tears from her face before leaving the room. With no time to waste Toga went straight towards Orochimaru's office wanting to ask him a favor.

When she arrived at the office she knocked *Knock Knock* before hearing Orochimaru say "Come in". She then proceeded to enter the room before walking up to Orochimaru.

When she stood in front of him, he sent her a puzzled look not knowing what she wanted, and before he could even ask her she stated in a serious tone "I need a mission".

The look on her face told him that she wouldn't back down, he then looked into her eyes and saw her determination before asking her "Why?". Her only answer was "I need it".

Displeased with her answer he turned off his computer before giving her his full attention. He crossed his arms before saying in a calm but serious tone "Tell me why I should send you out on a mission in the condition you're in right now?"

Hearing that question made her look down, from the tone that he was using she quickly understood that she would have to convince him to be allowed to go. If she couldn't then she'll be put on house arrest until further notice.

Being tense and uneasy she started to fiddle with her fingers in a nervous way. Her gaze went from her hand and upwards to Orochimaru's face, she looked at him pleadingly before saying "I can't stay here, when I know that it's my fault he's hurt."

She put her hand above her heart before clenching it and saying "It hurts knowing that it's my fault that he's like that. That I wasn't strong, fast or experienced enough to avoid being controlled."

Not caring what he'll think, she started crying in front of him while continuing "And the thought of it happening again just kills me on the inside. I don't think I can handle it if I would happen, so that is why I need to get stronger for Izuku"

Orochimaru understood where she was coming from, not from his personal experience but from those he knew in the past, but from those experiences he became a bit afraid of how her abilities could be affected by her emotions.

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