
Twice rubbed his head. "Repeat that? We're deaf!"

"Leave! Everyone fucking leave, now!"

The League took their time getting up from their places and walked through the house. As the League made their way out of the house Shigaraki approached you. His threatening stance didn't cause you to flinch or shake. As his eyes glared down to you, your eyes maintained on his chest. In a way you didn't want to seem afraid but you also didn't want to challenge him by staring into his eyes. Your wings were useless for now and at this point they were way more sensitive. Shigaraki took a step closer and you took one step back. As a result, he closed the door behind him while bodies still facing together. 

"Do you really want to step out of line? Do you really?"

Stepping on your toes you crossed your arms. "Or what?"

His nose scrunched up and his upper lip twitched. 

"You're gonna take my wings?" You sighed and shook your head. "I'm tired."

"Tired?" Shigaraki pulled down on your right hand and once again grabbed your neck. "Tired of what?"

He sped walk forward that your own feet couldn't keep up. Tumbling on to your back with your wings spread out like a blanket, Shigaraki stuck himself over you. He wasn't grabbing your neck too hard, you could breath still but his pinky was getting too close to your skin for comfort--the same with his other hand on your arm. 

"Tired of what!" He repeated.

Your chest was rising rapidly and your view was being blocked by a wall of tears. "I'm tired of this..." Your voice was breaking and you weren't yelling. 

"What?" Shigaraki tilted his head and squinted his eyes. He was unfamiliar with this view. You were sad which he has seen before but you weren't angry. 

"I'm tired of thinking this could work.."

He laughed in your face. Wide eyes and mouth open. "You said you'd never leave me."

"I did." You nodded. Legs twitching under his body, there was no way of striking him. 

"Then what?"

"I just want to be your equal. But I am so tired of trying."

Shigaraki's hand that held down your arm and struck you across your face. Shigaraki leaned back as you curled up to the side and covered your burning cheek with your hand. You were gasping for air through the choke of tears. 

"I said I knew nothing of the deal," He slammed his hands on each side of your ears and screamed in your ear. "Did I not say that? Are you doubting me?"

The hand holding your now red cheek flopped to the floor. Shigaraki exhaled aggressively, as if he ran a mile and pinched your chin to shift your gaze. He recognized this look. The look of someone who is looking at them but not seeing them. His moth was staring up but not focusing on anything. You were laying there limp under his wrath, your eyes puffy with exhaustion and your body weak. 

Shigaraki sighs and leans back on his feet. "Before, I have never had anything fragile."

His cold and clammy fingers unfastened his pants and he pulled out his limp cock. He wasn't hard but he remembered the last time you had care in your eyes, you and him were intimate. That's all he needed right now. He needed to see the care back in those empty, wet eyes. He remembered how you talked about the dream, how your eyes brightened and the sweet gentle kisses you gave him. Yes... all that came after the intimacy, he was sure of it. 

He groaned as he laid on your body, shifting himself inside you. You winced and shut your eyes as Shigaraki held your legs up. His thrust were aggressive because there was nothing there. He was forcing himself and trying to force you to care for him. He thrusted in. Pulled slowly out and going back in again. He figured going slow might wake you up. 


"Shiggy," He dropped your legs to around his hips and crooked his mouth near your ears. His hand cupped your head while the other held your hand. "You'd call me Shiggy."

Weakly you separated from his hand to push his chest as an attempt to lift his body from yours. He had been forcing his full weight onto you. He locked his arms as he stared down at you. 

"Call me Shiggy. Do it." 

He had stopped thrusting and in a short breath swiped away the tears. He didn't want to admit that he was getting turned on by your crying and if you whispered the first nickname that made him feel human, he could pretend that this  forced intimacy was not one way. 

You shook your head. Tears streaming down from the corner of your eyes and hiding in your hair. Your head was facing the wall to your left. "Stop already..."

"Fuck-" He pulled himself out and slammed his fist down on the floor. After putting away his sensitive hard on, he gripped your shoulders and sat you up. "Look at me."

Rolling your eyes, your head dangled to the right-- facing him. He was angry but also scared. 

"Love me."

"Do you even know what that means?"

"Whatever the fuck it's called, but I want you to be passionate like the first time we did it."

Chuckling you shook his hands off and pulled up your bottoms.

Leaning on your side you, the stump of your left arm caught Shigaraki's attention and he stood up. You were struggling lifting up the left side of your bottoms with just your right arm and Shigaraki walked towards the garden.

 "I expect you to be here until I get back."


Shigaraki slammed the door with the anger he was holding back from striking your face again. He was convinced that the reason you were acting like this was because your mom had mentioned the deal. Before knowledge of it, you feared him and from that fear there was respect and true feelings. Now, all you are doing is pissing him off by resisting him. You weren't looking at him the same and when he touched you, you looked uncomfortable. 

Standing up, when the final door slammed shut your mom entered the room. 

"You want to fix your past? You could have helped me."

"I don't step in when it's relationship problems."

"Really?" You couldn't believe that answer and you pushed her out of the room. "Just leave me alone, I was better off alone."


You thought back to when you were actually living alone in Oasis and how that transitioned to moving to U.A. making  friends and meeting your favorite hero, those were because you weren't alone. You didn't actually want to be by yourself you just wanted to be whole and safe again.

You walked out to the garden and found a bundle of soft, small flowers beside a bundle of green grass. You laid down in the flower bed to breath in something sweet. Your wings extended out and took comfort from the grass. The good thing is that, you still had a sense of feeling to texture in your wings. 

You don't know why you didn't try to run away and go to the nearest agency and beg for Aizawa. Maybe because you hope Shigaraki would revert back to how he was when he was with you or because you were still curious for the right answer on whether or not his actions were affected by the deal. Either one would do. 

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