
"Okay, so I'm thinking a quaint gathering, inner-circle only." I hummed in agreement when my eyes widen

"𝘈y 𝘥𝘪𝘰𝘴 𝘮𝘪𝘰 (oh my god)" I said in shocked

"Oh, my God, don't turn around." The devil in horns

"Holy Chuck, I think his lats got bigger. Not that I care, because he's evil incarnate."

"What's Chuck Clayton doing back?"

"He got suspended, not expelled." I tell him

"Even though he should have been drawn and quartered for what he did." Betty gets up and walks over

"Oh, my God." From a far I could see her body she was tense then she burst saying then she came back


"What was he doing? Accosting her?"

"No, he was... Apologizing." I scoff a laugh

"Oh, I'm so sure. Chuck Clayton doesn't have a contrite bone in his muscle-bound body."

"You know what, can we talk about something else? Like... Like Jughead's surprise party." We noticed betty was a bit out of it


"Look, there's a lot I can't do, a lot I can't control. But I can damn well make sure my boyfriend has the best birthday of his life."

"Screw it. I'm with Betty. My dad's away. We can do it at my house. We could all use a good time."

"Now you're talking my language."

"It's gonna be epic."

"Ehhh party at Andrews" couple days later at practice with the vixens

"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. One, two, three, four... Stop." Cheryl stop us cause Vero came late

"You're late, Veronica, we've already reviewed the new choreography for Homecoming. That means you'll be in the back, where your presence will do the least amount of damage."

"With you front and center, no doubt."

"But of course. I do have the maddest skills on this squad." I rolled my eyes at that if she was at my old school and she spoke that way to me let's just say my girls would have a field day with her ass

"And because you're a Blossom, we have to accept whatever you say as gospel truth?"

"You're welcome to challenge me, Veronica, but you'll lose."

"We live in a democratic society, Cheryl. Let's let the Vixens decide who's cherry on top."

"Challenge accepted."


After they finish dancing

"All those for Cheryl?" No one raised their hands

"All those for Veronica?" We Cheered

"Never cross a Lodge. Come on, girls." We leave behind her after practice I home took a shower changed into a party girl outfit

" We leave behind her after practice I home took a shower changed into a party girl outfit

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