The girl

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How would it feel to be Ushis boyfriend? Would he treat someone well? Not that it'd be my concern of course, but since Ushijima said that at the party, i can't stop finding myslef thinking about these questions. I'm not interested in Ushijima he's just my best friend and he would never like me anyways, i mean he's straight and all, but i guess he'd be a good boyfriend. I mean he's always so kind and sweet when it comes to people close to him. His future partner should be thankful. 

I still wasn't able to practise because of my foot but i went to watch instead. I can see Ushijima staying in front of the gym. He looks at me and greets me. "Good morning Tendou!" He looks so friendly and the look on his face is so warm, i can't do anything else but smile bright at him. He's such an angel.

After practise Ushi, Semi, Goshiki and Shirabu, decide to go eat lunch together. We want to go to the city into a cafe, where we meet up with the Karasuno VC. I'm pretty exited, i love to spend time with the Karasuno team, they grew to be pretty good friends of mine. Especially Tsukishima and the little tangerine. 

"Hello guys! It's nice to see y'all." Daichi came towards us, he was holding Sugawaras hand. They were a couple and to be honest, they're endgame. Nearly everyone in the Karasuno VC was in a relationship with someone and it makes me feel single like a pringle. But that's life i guess. "Hello Daichi, hello Sugawara, are you alright? How's it going with the energetic first years?" You could see that Ushijima likes Daichi as well as Sugawara. He usally doesn't like to talk with people who aren't close to him. "It's all right i guess. You knwo it aren't just the first years. Noya and Tanaka are exactly as energetic." Daichi smiles emaressed. 

"How's life going mr. vanilla?" I'm grinning at Tsukki, who looks annoyed but i know that on the inside he's a good guy. "Hey red-hair. How're your blocks? Still as confusing as ever?" Haa i love that guy, seriously. "Of course they are, that's the point in them." Ushijima speaks for me with a proud look on his face. 

While the others are already at the table, i stand up to buy a drink for me. As i was paying the coffe i bought, a girl walks up to me. I know her, it's Mila and she's one class under me. She sometimes comes to watch us practise. "Hello Tendou-san, nice to see you here. Are you eating with your teammates?" I smile at her. "Nice to see you too Mila-chan and yes i'm eating with my teammates as well as with the Karasuno VC." After we talked for a bit she finally got to say what she wanted to say the whole time. "Hey um Tendou-san?" I look at her with tensed eyes. "Could you maybe u-um set some things up between me and Ushijima?" She fidges with her fingers while looking to the ground with red cheeks. My eyes widen. I didn't expect that but i guess i could. Ushi never showed any interest in girls or relationships so i don't see much hope for her anyways. "Sure i can, let me introduce you to him. He sits right there." I point behind me, where the others are in a conversation. "Thank you so much Tendou-san! I owe you something, let me treat you a meal the next time we meet."

"Guys this is Mila, she's a class under me and wanted to meet you." Everyone greets her and Ushi does something i didn't expect. He smiles... Ushijima smiles! I can't really belive my eyes. Ushi hates strangers. he inly smiles at people close to him which includes his dad, which he rarel sees, me and some of his closet friends. I don't know why, but a feeling of jelousy spreads in my body. That's so stupid, ushi doesn't know her, he's not going to replace me or anything, i'm thinking like a three years old. Still, i'm his best friend, he should only laugh at me like that... Oh god Tendou stop! You're so childish.

"I have to go now, i'm sorry but i still have stuff to do." I don't know why i'm lying, i just feel uncomfortable staying here and watching ushijima smiling at a strange girl. "Bye Tsukki! It was nice seeing you again, let's meet up some time ok?" Tsukki stands up and we do a little handshake, just like were in kindergarden. I chuckle and he does too. "But Tendou, you haven't eaten your meat bund yet. They're your favourite food, don't you want to eat them and leave afterwards?" Ushijima looks up to me with big glowing eyes. I was scared that i could loose myself in them, so i quickly look away and say, "No i'm fine, i'm not hungry anyways. You can eat them for me." I turn around and walk away. Without looking back i know that Ushijima is still looking at me. I can feel his eyes staring holes in my back. I swallow empty and decide to stop thinking this stupid jelousy stuff. i'm eighteen and i should act like it.  

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