Slightly drunk

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That stuff is really kicking in. Only a few sips and i already can't control my actions anymore. my head was blank and all the things i see are under some kind of a cloudy veil. I don't know what's coming out of my mouth while i'm talking right now. I guess it wasn't something bad because the person standing next to me, comes up and lays an arm around my shoulder.

To clear some things up, i'm in a club. I went here to have some fun over the weekend. My teammates came with me, so i didn't have to go alone. The having his arm around me at the moment is my best friend Ushijima. I guess i told him to hug me or something, i really am clingy when i drink alcohol. 

"Let's go dance!" I can hear a dull voice and i guess it's my own. I can feel myself grabbing Wakatoshis arm and dragging him onto the dancefloor. "Calm down Tendou, your foot is still hurt." I'm laying both of ma arms around Ushijimas neck and pull him down to me, so i can whisper into his ear. "It doesn't hurt anymore, so please dance with me miracle boy. Else i'll be very sad. I only want to dance with wakatoshi." Usally i would never put my arms around Ushis neck but i can't control my body and it just does what it wants. 

Surprisingly Ushi doesn't push me away, he does the exact opposite thing. His hands are wandering down my back, to my hips where they stay. "Ok Satori", i can hear a deep voice saying, "Then let's have some fun."

I guess meanwhile i'm so drunk that i'm imagining things. Ushijima is the most responseble and cold-headed person i know. He would never say such charming things. Especially not to his best friend. 

The music's extreamly loud but the drunk me doesn't care. I'm vibing and moving my hips while grinning like an idiot. Ushi has to take care of me, else i would probably do something stupid. "Tendou, let's get you home, you can barely manage to stay on your own two feet." I'm mumbeling something i can't really understand on my own. "Nuuu Uakatoshi-kuuun (Wakatoshi-kun), Tendou wants to stayyy." I snuggle into his chest. "I want to stay with miracel boy, miracle boy is pwweettyy." Ushi smiles and looks down on me with a look, i can not interpret well because i still have a blurried sight. "Then i'll drive you home my little red-head." i say something that sounds like, "Okiiiie", and hold onto his arm while walking. Ushi puts his arms around my shoulder to supprt my wambeling body. "You're my miracle boy.." Ushijima laughs.

 I don't knwo if i'm imagining the words i'm about to hear, but still it feels good to hear them. "You are so damn cute Satori, do you know that?"

I guess i drifted away while Ushi was driving me home. Becuase when i wake up now, i'm at home. But i'm not home alone. Because of my headache it takes a while for me to realize on who i'm ying right now in this early morning hour. I'm lying on the couch, on top of Ushijima, who puts his arms around me. He was squeezing me in his strong arms. Before i woke up, my head must've been lying on Ushijimas chest, cause there was a little drool stain on his shirt. I wipe my mouth and get red like a tomato. Because i moved a bit, Ushi wakes up. "Godd morning Tendou, are you sober now?" His morning voice is even deeper than his usual one and a shiver runs down my spine because of it. "I-I'm sorry Ushi, i-it wasn't my intention to fell asleep on y-you, i-i can't remember w-what happened and it seems like i just slept the whole time. Did you bring me home? Was i annoying you? have i done anything stupid? Was is clingey? Is it unomfortable for you? Why am i still sitting on you? I don't know! Why don't i just go down? Why am i talking so damn much? Why--"  Ushijima stops the waterfall of words who is coming out of my moth with his hand. He puts it over my mouth to prevent worse. "It's ok Tendou, i brought you home bevause i wanted to. And no, you weren't annoying at all, You were really cute. And i'm ok with you sitting in my lap like that, it's nothing new isn't it?" I look away in embarressment, still flushing red. I put my arms on his shoulders, so i can get off his lap easier. As i'm finally sitting beside him and not on him anymore i slowly say, "Thank you i guess.." 

I'm standing up to head to the bathroom. Before i leave the living room i turn around and say, "It was very nice of you to take care of me while i was drunk. I'm greatful to have you in my life wakatoshi-kun. You can leave anytime you want, imma go take a shower now."   

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